The versions of gluon are managed with tags and branches. Every tag is a stable release (like v2014.2 or v2014.3.1), every branch is a development branch, where 2014.3.x is a branch for 2014.3 bugfix releases and master is the unstable branch for the upcoming release. Branches should be used for development purposes, while tags can be used for productive releases. To check out a tag do:
Gluon's releases are managed using `Git tags`_. If you're a community getting
started with Gluon we recommend to use the latest stable release if Gluon.
Take a look at the `list of gluon releases`_ and notice the latest release,
e.g. *v2014.3*.
Please keep in mind that a matching site configuration for your community
is required. Due to new features being added (or sometimes being removed)
the format of the site configuration changes slightly between releases.