Commits on Source (46)
chrissi^ authored
The bootstrap.css previously imported the OpenSans fonts from Google. Using all the referenced fonts were downloaded and are now served locally.
Kasalehlia authored
larsan authored
Kontakte sind jetzt wieder optional öffentlich.
shoragan authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
darkbit authored
Now the contact script creates an HTTP server instead of relying on CGI
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
darkbit authored
Anstatt dass man zuerst zu uns kommt, um sich danach nen Router zu kaufen (und ggf. vermutet, dass man von uns Router bekommt) und den nach dem Kauf direkt anschließen kann, haben wir nun zuerst den Routerkauf und dann den Gang zum Stratum zum Flashen.
darkbit authored
darkbit authored
This section mostly highlighted, that companies can purcase hardware from the Stratum0. But since this is no longer possible, the whole section was therefore removed.
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
larsan authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
larsan authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
darkbit authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
larsan authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
This was probably broken since flamingo 1.9. Not sure why we never realized this.
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
chrissi^ authored
- .gitlab-ci.yml 4 additions, 6 deletions.gitlab-ci.yml
- cgi/contact 0 additions, 62 deletionscgi/contact
- contact/REQUIREMENTS.txt 1 addition, 0 deletionscontact/REQUIREMENTS.txt
- contact/ 74 additions, 0 deletionscontact/
- contact/contrib/ffbs-contact.service 15 additions, 0 deletionscontact/contrib/ffbs-contact.service
- flamingo/REQUIREMENTS-deploy.txt 2 additions, 2 deletionsflamingo/REQUIREMENTS-deploy.txt
- flamingo/REQUIREMENTS-full.txt 2 additions, 2 deletionsflamingo/REQUIREMENTS-full.txt
- flamingo/content/faq/einrichten.rst 6 additions, 8 deletionsflamingo/content/faq/einrichten.rst
- flamingo/content/faq/faq.html 0 additions, 17 deletionsflamingo/content/faq/faq.html
- flamingo/content/faq/fritz_7412.rst 2 additions, 2 deletionsflamingo/content/faq/fritz_7412.rst
- flamingo/content/faq/ssh.rst 2 additions, 2 deletionsflamingo/content/faq/ssh.rst
- flamingo/content/index.html 10 additions, 10 deletionsflamingo/content/index.html
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2020.2.3.10.rst 34 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2020.2.3.10.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2020.2.3.6.rst 39 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2020.2.3.6.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.2.rst 33 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.2.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.3.rst 36 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.3.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.4.rst 30 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2021.1.2.4.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2022.1.4.1.rst 45 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2022.1.4.1.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2022.1.4.2.rst 36 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2022.1.4.2.rst
- flamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2023.2.0.1.rst 34 additions, 0 deletionsflamingo/content/parker/firmware/v2023.2.0.1.rst
100755 → 0
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
0 → 100644