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s0minutes.cls 5.67 KiB
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% s0minutes.cls
% Stratum 0 CI -- meeting minutes
% 2016-Dec-15 Roland Hieber <>
% Heavily inspired by Jim Hefferon's "Minutes in Less Than Hours":

% --- Class structure: identification part
% ---
\ProvidesClass{s0minutes}[2016/12/15 version 1.00 Stratum 0 Corporate Identity -- Meeting Minutes]

% --- Class structure: declaration of options part
% ---
% This class extends the article class
% Read all the documentclass options; pass them to article,
% unless the file "<currentoption>.s0c" exists, then it is loaded

% --- Class structure: execution of options part
% ---
\ProcessOptions \relax

% --- Class structure: declaration of options part
% ---

% -- Helper packages
% --
\RequirePackage{framed}  % leftbar environment etc.
\RequirePackage{dingbat}  % \leftthumbsup etc.

% -- Tweak section numbering
% set table of contents number field to max width of section numbers
\renewcommand*{\thesection}{TOP \theoldsection}
\setcounter{section}{-1} % Real hackers start counting at 0
\settowidth{\cftsecnumwidth}{TOP 10 }
\settowidth{\cftsubsecnumwidth}{TOP 1.10 }

% -- User Commands and Environments
% --

% Meeting information, to be used in the preamble:
% 1. Type of the meeting (e.g., board meeting, general meeting, etc.)
% 2. Date of the meeting
% 3. Starting time,
% 4. Place of the meeting
% 5. (List of) attending people
% 6. (List of) absent people, if any
% 7. Name of minute taker
		\title{\sn@typeofmeeting{} \sn@date}%
	Ort: & \sn@place \\
	Zeit: & \sn@date, \sn@startingtime \\
	Anwesend: & \sn@attendants \\
	Abwesend: & \sn@absentees \\
	Protokoll: & \sn@minutetaker \\
\def\@author{\sn@meetinginfo} %% This is just a dirty hack to get it into \maketitle

% Signals the end of the meeting.
% 1. Closing time of the meeting
	\item[Ende:] #1

\noindent Protokollführer: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Vorstandsvorsitzender: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Stellv. Vorsitzender: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Schatzmeister: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Beisitzer: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Beisitzerin: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par
\noindent Beisitzer: \hrulefill\hfill\phantom{c}\par

% Resolutions
% 1. Reference number,
% 2. Vote information, use \vote, \consensus
% 3. Short text of the resolution,
% 4. Allocated money, if any (optional)
% 5. (only in resolution environment) Additional text
\textbf{#1: #3}\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{ (#4)}
\hfill% when breaking, prevent stretching the line to be justified
%\allowbreak% prefer breaking here 
\hspace*{.1em} \hfill \mbox{#2}%\penalty-100 % keep this together. when breaking, fill to flush-right
% our own little frame environment for resolutions
\hskip-\sn@flushleftbarwidth \hskip-\sn@flushleftbarspace%
\textcolor{\sn@resolutioncolor}{\vrule width \sn@flushleftbarwidth \hspace{\sn@flushleftbarspace}}}
\MakeFramed{\advance\hsize-\width \FrameRestore}}%
%\textcolor{\sn@resolutioncolor}{\hrule depth \sn@flushleftbarwidth width \sn@titlelength}%
%\hbox{\vrule width \sn@flushleftbarwidth depth\baselineskip}%
\vspace{-.2\baselineskip}% colorbox bottom margin ends up a bit too much

% Adoption, rejection, votes, consensus
\newcommand{\adopted}{Angenommen \leftthumbsup}
\newcommand{\rejected}{Abgelehnt \rightthumbsdown}
\newcommand{\vote}[4]{(#2/#3/#4) #1}
\newcommand{\consensus}[1]{#1 (Konsens)}

% Break of a specified time (first parameter)
	\emph{(Pause #1)}

% vim: set tw=100 noet sw=2 ts=2 sts=2: