%% stratum0doc.sty
\def\@sndsectionmark{TOP\ }%
\def\@sndsectionmark{§\ }
%% fancyhdr setup
\fancyhead[L]{\sc #1}%
\fancyhead[R]{\sc #2}%
\fancyfoot[C]{Seite \thepage\ von \pageref{LastPage}}
\fancypagestyle{plain}{% for first page
\fancyfoot[C]{Seite \thepage\ von \pageref{LastPage}}%
%% list bullets, section prefix
% set table of contents number field to max width of section numbers
\settowidth{\cftsecnumwidth}{\@sndsectionmark 10 }
\settowidth{\cftsubsecnumwidth}{\@sndsectionmark 1.10 }
\setcounter{section}{-1} % Hacker fangen ab 0 an zu zählen.
% paragraph skips and indents

% enlarge page margin, for following \vote etc. commands
%% Parameters: text, pros, contras, abstentions
\marginpar{\footnotesize #1:\\#2~pro, #3~contra, #4~neutral}%
%% consensus without explicit vote
%% Parameters: text
\marginpar{\footnotesize #1}%
%% no vote at all, disagreement
%% Parameters: text
\marginpar{\footnotesize Kein Beschluss}%
%% postponed agenda items
%% Parameters: text
%% withdrawn agenda items
%% Parameters: text
\marginpar{\footnotesize TOP zurückgezogen}%
%% elected persons
%% Parameters: appointment, name, votes, max. possible votes
\marginpar{\footnotesize #1: #2 (#3/#4)}
%% bootstrapping