Explore projects
Simple Scripts to parse the weather measured by the wetterbär: http://www.wetterbaer.de/
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Eine Django-Anwendung, die den Workflow für die Akkreditierung abbildet.
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previously known as https://github.com/hellfyre/StratumsphereStatusBot
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Extract stamps from Internetmarke pages by Deutsche Post. Uses the default DIN A4 export format an outputs them on 62mm by 29mm pages to print them on our label printer.
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This project has a list of original_topic, new_topic, conversion function and subscribes to all old_topics. Afterwards it republishes the values as new_topic. Conversion_function is called on all values before resending.
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Website for singularitycity.de Created with flamingo-web.org
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This repo gives you some python tools to read Easton / BG-Etech SDM 220 Modbus power meter via RS485
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This Tool provides a command line interface to control a NiceRF SA868 via Python.
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