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  • ffbs/ffbs-gluon
  • parabol1337/ffbs-gluon
  • darkbit/ffbs-gluon
3 results
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with 1083 additions and 478 deletions
This diff is collapsed.
Documentation (incomplete at this time, contribute if you can!) may be found at
If you're new to Gluon and ready to get your feet wet, have a look at the
[Getting Started Guide](
# Gluon
**Gluon IRC channel: `#gluon` in [hackint](**
Gluon is a firmware framework to build preconfigured OpenWrt images for public mesh networks.
## Issues & Feature requests
## Gluon-Parker
Before opening an issue, make sure to check whether any existing issues
(open or closed) match. If you're suggesting a new feature, drop by on IRC or
our mailinglist to discuss it first.
This is a fork of Gluon, that uses routing between the nodes (aka. Router devices) and the infrastructure.
It is currently in use by [Freifunk Braunschweig](
Other communities are interested in adopting it as well.
We maintain a [Roadmap]( for
the future development of Gluon.
Documentation is currently sparse.
Some hints can be found here:
## Use a release!
Please refrain from using the `master` branch for anything else but development purposes!
Use the most recent release instead. You can list all relaseses by running `git branch -a`
and switch to one by running `git checkout v2016.1.5 && make update`.
Not all features needed for a parker-style Gluon are currently upstream - they are kept in this repository.
In this repository we will keep a branch for every upstream development branch with our local changes on top.
These branches follow the upstream naming, so `v2023.2.x-parker` will track `v2023.2.x`.
Releases will be tagged with an additional suffix: Tag `v2023.2.4.1-parker` will be on top of `v2023.2.4`.
If you're using the autoupdater, do not autoupdate nodes with anything but releases.
If you upgrade using random master commits the nodes *will break* eventually.
We are planning to bring all these changes into upstream Gluon.
Feel free to help!
## Mailinglist
Other packages needed for a parker-style Gluon are developed in the [community-packages]( repository.
They are named `ffbs-parker-*`.
To subscribe to the list, send a message to:
A parker-style network needs a different backend.
You can get some inspiration from [here](
## Contributing
To remove your address from the list, just send a message to
the address in the `List-Unsubscribe` header of any list
message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,
you can also send a message to:
Pull Requests against this repo are welcome!
(Please only pull-request against changes done in this repository
All other Pull Requests should go to directly to Gluon.)
Please be aware that we may rebase our branches on top of upstream without a PR 🫠.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Update target filters using
# make update-ci
import re
import os
import sys
import json
# these changes trigger rebuilds on all targets
common = [
# these changes are only built on x86-64
extra = [
_filter = dict()
# include '...'
# include "..."
# include("...")
# include('...')
INCLUDE_PATTERN = "^\\s*include *\\(? *[\"']([^\"']+)[\"']"
# construct filters map from stdin
for target in sys.stdin:
target = target.strip()
_filter[target] = [
] + common
target_file = os.path.join(os.environ['GLUON_TARGETSDIR'], target)
with open(target_file) as f:
includes = re.findall(INCLUDE_PATTERN,, re.MULTILINE)
_filter[target].extend([f"targets/{i}" for i in includes])
if target == "x86-64":
# print filters to stdout in json format, because json is stdlib and yaml compatible.
print(json.dumps(_filter, indent=2))
set -e
export BROKEN=1
export GLUON_SITEDIR="contrib/ci/minimal-site"
export GLUON_TARGET="$1"
export BUILD_LOG=1
BUILD_THREADS="$(($(nproc) + 1))"
echo "Building Gluon with $BUILD_THREADS threads"
make update
echo "-- CPU --"
cat /proc/cpuinfo
echo "-- Memory --"
cat /proc/meminfo
echo "-- Disk --"
df -h
echo "-- Kernel --"
uname -a
echo "-- Network --"
ip addr
\ No newline at end of file
features {
if not device_class('tiny') then
features {'wireless-encryption-wpa3'}
\ No newline at end of file
-- This is an example site configuration
-- Take a look at the documentation located at
-- for details.
-- This configuration will not work as is. You're required to make
-- community specific changes to it!
-- Used for generated hostnames, e.g. freifunk-abcdef123456. (optional)
-- hostname_prefix = 'freifunk-',
-- Name of the community.
site_name = 'Continuous Integration',
-- Shorthand of the community.
site_code = 'ci',
-- 32 bytes of random data, encoded in hexadecimal
-- This data must be unique among all sites and domains!
-- Can be generated using: echo $(hexdump -v -n 32 -e '1/1 "%02x"' </dev/urandom)
domain_seed = 'e9608c4ff338b920992d629190e9ff11049de1dfc3f299eac07792dfbcda341c',
-- Prefixes used within the mesh.
-- prefix6 is required, prefix4 can be omitted if next_node.ip4
-- is not set.
prefix4 = '',
prefix6 = 'fd::/64',
-- Timezone of your community.
-- See
timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3',
-- List of NTP servers in your community.
-- Must be reachable using IPv6!
-- ntp_servers = {''},
-- Wireless regulatory domain of your community.
regdom = 'DE',
-- Wireless configuration for 2.4 GHz interfaces.
wifi24 = {
-- Wireless channel.
channel = 1,
-- ESSIDs used for client network.
ap = {
ssid = 'gluon-ci-ssid',
-- disabled = true, -- (optional)
-- Configuration for a backward compatible OWE network below.
owe_ssid = 'owe.gluon-ci-ssid', -- (optional - SSID for OWE client network)
owe_transition_mode = true, -- (optional - enables transition-mode - requires ssid as well as owe_ssid)
mesh = {
-- Adjust these values!
id = 'ueH3uXjdp', -- usually you don't want users to connect to this mesh-SSID, so use a cryptic id that no one will accidentally mistake for the client WiFi
mcast_rate = 12000,
-- disabled = true, -- (optional)
-- Wireless configuration for 5 GHz interfaces.
-- This should be equal to the 2.4 GHz variant, except
-- for channel.
wifi5 = {
channel = 44,
outdoor_chanlist = '100-140',
ap = {
ssid = 'gluon-ci-ssid',
mesh = {
-- Adjust these values!
id = 'ueH3uXjdp',
mcast_rate = 12000,
mesh = {
vxlan = true,
batman_adv = {
routing_algo = 'BATMAN_IV',
-- The next node feature allows clients to always reach the node it is
-- connected to using a known IP address.
next_node = {
-- anycast IPs of all nodes
-- name = { '', 'nextnode', 'nn' },
ip4 = '',
ip6 = 'fd::1',
-- Options specific to routing protocols (optional)
-- mesh = {
-- Options specific to the batman-adv routing protocol (optional)
-- batman_adv = {
-- Gateway selection class (optional)
-- The default class 20 is based on the link quality (TQ) only,
-- class 1 is calculated from both the TQ and the announced bandwidth
-- gw_sel_class = 1,
-- },
-- },
mesh_vpn = {
-- enabled = true,
fastd = {
-- Refer to to better understand
-- what these options do.
-- List of crypto-methods to use.
methods = {'salsa2012+umac'},
mtu = 1312,
-- configurable = true,
-- syslog_level = 'warn',
groups = {
backbone = {
-- Limit number of connected peers to reduce bandwidth.
limit = 1,
-- List of peers.
peers = {
-- Optional: nested peer groups
-- groups = {
-- backbone_sub = {
-- ...
-- },
-- ...
-- },
-- Optional: additional peer groups, possibly with other limits
-- backbone2 = {
-- ...
-- },
bandwidth_limit = {
-- The bandwidth limit can be enabled by default here.
enabled = false,
-- Default upload limit (kbit/s).
egress = 200,
-- Default download limit (kbit/s).
ingress = 3000,
autoupdater = {
-- Default branch (optional), can be overridden by setting GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH when building.
-- Set GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_ENABLED to enable the autoupdater by default for newly installed nodes.
branch = 'stable',
-- List of branches. You may define multiple branches.
branches = {
stable = {
name = 'stable',
-- List of mirrors to fetch images from. IPv6 required!
mirrors = {''},
-- Number of good signatures required.
-- Have multiple maintainers sign your build and only
-- accept it when a sufficient number of them have
-- signed it.
good_signatures = 0,
-- List of public keys of maintainers.
pubkeys = {
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
features {
packages {
if not device_class('tiny') then
features {'wireless-encryption-wpa3'}
\ No newline at end of file
-- This is an example site configuration
-- Take a look at the documentation located at
-- for details.
-- This configuration will not work as is. You're required to make
-- community specific changes to it!
-- Used for generated hostnames, e.g. freifunk-abcdef123456. (optional)
-- hostname_prefix = 'freifunk-',
-- Name of the community.
site_name = 'Continuous Integration',
-- Shorthand of the community.
site_code = 'ci',
-- 32 bytes of random data, encoded in hexadecimal
-- This data must be unique among all sites and domains!
-- Can be generated using: echo $(hexdump -v -n 32 -e '1/1 "%02x"' </dev/urandom)
domain_seed = 'e9608c4ff338b920992d629190e9ff11049de1dfc3f299eac07792dfbcda341c',
-- Prefixes used by clients within the mesh.
-- prefix6 is required, prefix4 can be omitted if next_node.ip4
-- is not set.
prefix6 = 'fdff:cafe:cafe:cafe::/64',
-- Prefixes used by nodes within the mesh
node_prefix6 = 'fdff:cafe:cafe:cafe::/64',
-- Timezone of your community.
-- See
timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3',
-- List of NTP servers in your community.
-- Must be reachable using IPv6!
-- ntp_servers = {''},
-- Wireless regulatory domain of your community.
regdom = 'DE',
-- Wireless configuration for 2.4 GHz interfaces.
wifi24 = {
-- Wireless channel.
channel = 1,
-- ESSIDs used for client network.
ap = {
ssid = 'gluon-ci-ssid',
-- disabled = true, -- (optional)
-- Configuration for a backward compatible OWE network below.
owe_ssid = 'owe.gluon-ci-ssid', -- (optional - SSID for OWE client network)
owe_transition_mode = true, -- (optional - enables transition-mode - requires ssid as well as owe_ssid)
mesh = {
-- Adjust these values!
id = 'ueH3uXjdp', -- usually you don't want users to connect to this mesh-SSID, so use a cryptic id that no one will accidentally mistake for the client WiFi
mcast_rate = 12000,
-- disabled = true, -- (optional)
-- Wireless configuration for 5 GHz interfaces.
-- This should be equal to the 2.4 GHz variant, except
-- for channel.
wifi5 = {
channel = 44,
outdoor_chanlist = '100-140',
ap = {
ssid = 'gluon-ci-ssid',
-- disabled = true, -- (optional)
-- Configuration for a backward compatible OWE network below.
owe_ssid = 'owe.gluon-ci-ssid', -- (optional - SSID for OWE client network)
owe_transition_mode = true, -- (optional - enables transition-mode - requires ssid as well as owe_ssid)
mesh = {
-- Adjust these values!
id = 'ueH3uXjdp',
mcast_rate = 12000,
-- The next node feature allows clients to always reach the node it is
-- connected to using a known IP address.
next_node = {
-- anycast IPs of all nodes
name = { '', 'nextnode', 'nn' },
ip4 = '',
ip6 = 'fd::1',
-- Options specific to routing protocols (optional)
mesh = {
vxlan = true,
olsrd = {},
mesh_vpn = {
-- enabled = true,
fastd = {
-- Refer to to better understand
-- what these options do.
-- List of crypto-methods to use.
methods = {'salsa2012+umac'},
mtu = 1312,
-- configurable = true,
-- syslog_level = 'warn',
groups = {
backbone = {
-- Limit number of connected peers to reduce bandwidth.
limit = 1,
-- List of peers.
peers = {
-- Optional: nested peer groups
-- groups = {
-- backbone_sub = {
-- ...
-- },
-- ...
-- },
-- Optional: additional peer groups, possibly with other limits
-- backbone2 = {
-- ...
-- },
bandwidth_limit = {
-- The bandwidth limit can be enabled by default here.
enabled = false,
-- Default upload limit (kbit/s).
egress = 200,
-- Default download limit (kbit/s).
ingress = 3000,
autoupdater = {
-- Default branch (optional), can be overridden by setting GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH when building.
-- Set GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_ENABLED to enable the autoupdater by default for newly installed nodes.
branch = 'stable',
-- List of branches. You may define multiple branches.
branches = {
stable = {
name = 'stable',
-- List of mirrors to fetch images from. IPv6 required!
mirrors = {''},
-- Number of good signatures required.
-- Have multiple maintainers sign your build and only
-- accept it when a sufficient number of them have
-- signed it.
good_signatures = 0,
-- List of public keys of maintainers.
pubkeys = {
## gluon makefile example
# version string to use for images
# gluon relies on
# opkg compare-versions "$1" '>>' "$2"
# to decide if a version is newer or not.
DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE := 0.6+exp$(shell date '+%Y%m%d')
# Variables set with ?= can be overwritten from the command line
# call make with custom GLUON_RELEASE flag, to use your own release version scheme.
# e.g.:
# $ make images GLUON_RELEASE=23.42+5
# would generate images named like this:
# gluon-ff%site_code%-23.42+5-%router_model%.bin
# Default priority for updates.
# Region code required for some images; supported values: us eu
# Languages to include
GLUON_LANGS ?= en de
......@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
# Script to output the dependency graph of Gluon's packages
# Limitations:
# * Works only if directory names and package names are the same (true for all Gluon packages)
# * Doesn't show dependencies through virtual packages correctly
set -e
shopt -s nullglob
......@@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ escape_name() {
echo -n "_$1" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' _
print_node () {
print_node() {
echo "$(escape_name "$1") [label=\"$1\", shape=box];"
......@@ -25,19 +23,34 @@ print_dep() {
echo "$(escape_name "$1") -> $(escape_name "$2");"
echo 'digraph G {'
for makefile in ./package/*/Makefile; do
dir="$(dirname "$makefile")"
package="$(basename "$dir")"
deps=$(grep -w DEPENDS "$makefile" | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d +)
print_package() {
local package="$1" depends="$2"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
set -- $depends
print_node "$package"
for dep in $deps; do
for dep in "$@"; do
print_node "$dep"
print_dep "$package" "$dep"
make -C openwrt -s prepare-tmpinfo
echo 'digraph G {'
cat ./openwrt/tmp/info/.packageinfo-feeds_gluon_base_* | while read -r key value; do
case "$key" in
print_package "$package" "$depends"
done | sort -u
popd >/dev/null
FROM debian:bookworm-slim
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
ca-certificates \
file \
git \
python3 \
python3-distutils \
build-essential \
gawk \
unzip \
libncurses5-dev \
zlib1g-dev \
libssl-dev \
libelf-dev \
wget \
rsync \
time \
qemu-utils \
ecdsautils \
lua-check \
shellcheck \
libnss-unknown \
openssh-client \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir /tmp/ec &&\
wget -O /tmp/ec/ec-${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH}.tar.gz${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH}.tar.gz &&\
tar -xvzf /tmp/ec/ec-${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH}.tar.gz &&\
mv bin/ec-${TARGETOS}-${TARGETARCH} /usr/local/bin/editorconfig-checker &&\
rm -rf /tmp/ec
RUN useradd -m -d /gluon -u 100 -g 100 -o gluon
USER gluon
VOLUME /gluon
WORKDIR /gluon
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed extract_delimited extract_tagged);
@ARGV >= 1 || die "Usage: $0 <source directory>\n";
my %stringtable;
sub dec_lua_str
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
$s =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$s =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
$s =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
$s =~ s/^ //;
$s =~ s/ $//;
return $s;
sub dec_tpl_str
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/-$//;
$s =~ s/[\s\n]+/ /g;
$s =~ s/^ //;
$s =~ s/ $//;
$s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
return $s;
if( open F, "find @ARGV -type f '(' -name '*.html' -o -name '*.lua' ')' |" )
while( defined( my $file = readline F ) )
chomp $file;
if( open S, "< $file" )
local $/ = undef;
my $raw = <S>;
close S;
my $text = $raw;
while( $text =~ s/ ^ .*? (?:translate|translatef|_) [\n\s]* \( /(/sgx )
( my $code, $text ) = extract_bracketed($text, q{('")});
$code =~ s/\\\n/ /g;
$code =~ s/^\([\n\s]*//;
$code =~ s/[\n\s]*\)$//;
my $res = "";
my $sub = "";
if( $code =~ /^['"]/ )
while( defined $sub )
( $sub, $code ) = extract_delimited($code, q{'"}, q{\s*(?:\.\.\s*)?});
if( defined $sub && length($sub) > 2 )
$res .= substr $sub, 1, length($sub) - 2;
undef $sub;
elsif( $code =~ /^(\[=*\[)/ )
my $stag = quotemeta $1;
my $etag = $stag;
$etag =~ s/\[/]/g;
( $res ) = extract_tagged($code, $stag, $etag);
$res =~ s/^$stag//;
$res =~ s/$etag$//;
$res = dec_lua_str($res);
$stringtable{$res}++ if $res;
$text = $raw;
while( $text =~ s/ ^ .*? <% -? [:_] /<%/sgx )
( my $code, $text ) = extract_tagged($text, '<%', '%>');
if( defined $code )
$code = dec_tpl_str(substr $code, 2, length($code) - 4);
close F;
if( open C, "| msgcat -" )
printf C "msgid \"\"\nmsgstr \"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\"\n\n";
foreach my $key ( sort keys %stringtable )
if( length $key )
$key =~ s/"/\\"/g;
printf C "msgid \"%s\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n", $key;
close C;
set -e
# Script to list all upgrade scripts in a clear manner
# Limitations:
# * Does only show scripts of packages whose `files' directory represent the whole image filesystem (which are all Gluon packages)
# * Does only show scripts of packages whose `files'/`luasrc' directories represent the whole image filesystem (which are all Gluon packages)
shopt -s nullglob
......@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ fi
pushd "$(dirname "$0")/.." >/dev/null
find ./package packages -name Makefile | while read makefile; do
find ./package packages -name Makefile | grep -v '^packages/packages/' | while read -r makefile; do
dir="$(dirname "$makefile")"
pushd "$dir" >/dev/null
......@@ -35,10 +37,12 @@ find ./package packages -name Makefile | while read makefile; do
dirname="$(dirname "$dir" | cut -d/ -f 3-)"
package="$(basename "$dir")"
for file in "${SUFFIX}"/*; do
echo "${GREEN}$(basename "${file}")${RESET}" "(${BLUE}${repo}${RESET}/${dirname}${dirname:+/}${RED}${package}${RESET}/${SUFFIX})"
for file in "${SUFFIX1}"/* "${SUFFIX2}"/*; do
basename="$(basename "${file}")"
suffix="$(dirname "${file}")"
printf "%s\t%s\n" "${basename}" "${BLUE}${repo}${RESET}/${dirname}${dirname:+/}${RED}${package}${RESET}/${suffix}/${GREEN}${basename}${RESET}"
popd >/dev/null
done | sort
done | sort | cut -f2-
popd >/dev/null
set -e
topdir="$(realpath "$(dirname "${0}")/../openwrt")"
# defaults to qemu run script
print_help() {
echo ""
echo " -h print this help"
echo " -r HOST use a remote machine as target machine. By default if this"
echo " option is not given, will use a locally"
echo " running qemu instance started by"
echo " -p PORT use PORT as ssh port (default is 22)"
echo " -b build only, do not push"
echo " -P do not preserve /etc/config. By default, if a package"
echo " defines a config file in /etc/config, this config file"
echo " will be preserved. If you specify this flag, the package"
echo " default will be installed instead."
echo ""
echo ' To change gluon variables, run e.g. "make config GLUON_MINIFY=0"'
echo ' because then the gluon logic will be triggered, and openwrt/.config'
echo ' will be regenerated. The variables from openwrt/.config are already'
echo ' automatically used for this script.'
while getopts "p:r:hbP" opt
case $opt in
P) preserve_config=0;;
p) ssh_port="${OPTARG}";;
r) ssh_host="${OPTARG}"; [ -z "$ssh_port" ] && ssh_port=22;;
b) build_only=1;;
h) print_help; exit 0;;
*) ;;
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[ -z "$ssh_port" ] && ssh_port=2223
if [ "$build_only" -eq 0 ]; then
remote_info=$(ssh -p "${ssh_port}" "root@${ssh_host}" '
source /etc/os-release
printf "%s\\t%s\\n" "$OPENWRT_BOARD" "$OPENWRT_ARCH"
REMOTE_OPENWRT_BOARD="$(echo "$remote_info" | cut -f 1)"
REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH="$(echo "$remote_info" | cut -f 2)"
# check target
if ! grep -q "CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES=\"${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}\"" "${topdir}/.config"; then
echo "Configured OpenWrt Target is not matching with the target machine!" 1>&2
printf "%s" " Configured architecture: " 1>&2
grep "CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES" "${topdir}/.config" 1>&2
echo "Target machine architecture: ${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}" 1>&2
echo 1>&2
echo "To switch the local with the run with the corresponding GLUON_TARGET:" 1>&2
echo " make GLUON_TARGET=... config" 1>&2
exit 1
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo ERROR: Please specify a PACKAGE_DIR. For example:
echo " \$ $0 package/gluon-core"
exit 1
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
pkgdir="$1"; shift
echo "Package: ${pkgdir}"
if ! [ -f "${pkgdir}/Makefile" ]; then
echo "ERROR: ${pkgdir} does not contain a Makefile"
exit 1
if ! grep -q BuildPackage "${pkgdir}/Makefile"; then
echo "ERROR: ${pkgdir}/Makefile does not contain a BuildPackage command"
exit 1
opkg_packages="$(make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" DUMP=1 | awk '/^Package: / { print $2 }')"
search_package() {
find "$2" -name "$1_*.ipk" -printf '%f\n'
make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" clean
make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" compile
if [ "$build_only" -eq 1 ]; then
# IPv6 addresses need brackets around the ${ssh_host} for scp!
if echo "${ssh_host}" | grep -q :; then
for pkg in ${opkg_packages}; do
for feed in "${topdir}/bin/packages/${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}/"*/ "${topdir}/bin/targets/${REMOTE_OPENWRT_BOARD}/packages/"; do
printf "%s" "searching ${pkg} in ${feed}: "
filename=$(search_package "${pkg}" "${feed}")
if [ -n "${filename}" ]; then
echo found!
echo not found
if [ "$preserve_config" -eq 0 ]; then
opkg_flags=" --force-maintainer"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
if [ -n "$filename" ]; then
scp -O -P "${ssh_port}" "$feed/$filename" "root@${BL}${ssh_host}${BR}:/tmp/${filename}"
ssh -p "${ssh_port}" "root@${ssh_host}" "
set -e
echo Running opkg:
opkg install --force-reinstall ${opkg_flags} '/tmp/${filename}'
rm '/tmp/${filename}'
# Some packages (e.g. procd-seccomp) seem to contain BuildPackage commands
# which do not generate *.ipk files. Till this point, I am not aware why
# this is happening. However, dropping a warning if the corresponding
# *.ipk is not found (maybe due to other reasons as well), seems to
# be more reasonable than aborting. Before this commit, the command
# has failed.
echo "Warning: ${pkg}*.ipk not found! Ignoring." 1>&2