diff --git a/contrib/push_pkg.sh b/contrib/push_pkg.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b9fe740167e11fb59660aa9a6be617195728ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/push_pkg.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+set -e
+topdir="$(realpath "$(dirname "${0}")/../openwrt")"
+# defaults to qemu run script
+print_help() {
+	echo ""
+	echo " -h          print this help"
+	echo " -r HOST     use a remote machine as target machine. By default if this"
+	echo "             option is not given, push_pkg.sh will use a locally"
+	echo "             running qemu instance started by run_qemu.sh."
+	echo " -p PORT     use PORT as ssh port (default is 22)"
+	echo " -b          build only, do not push"
+	echo " -P          do not preserve /etc/config. By default, if a package"
+	echo "             defines a config file in /etc/config, this config file"
+	echo "             will be preserved. If you specify this flag, the package"
+	echo "             default will be installed instead."
+	echo ""
+	echo ' To change gluon variables, run e.g. "make config GLUON_MINIFY=0"'
+	echo ' because then the gluon logic will be triggered, and openwrt/.config'
+	echo ' will be regenerated. The variables from openwrt/.config are already'
+	echo ' automatically used for this script.'
+	echo
+while getopts "p:r:hbP" opt
+	case $opt in
+		P) preserve_config=0;;
+		p) ssh_port="${OPTARG}";;
+		r) ssh_host="${OPTARG}"; [ -z "$ssh_port" ] && ssh_port=22;;
+		b) build_only=1;;
+		h) print_help; exit 0;;
+		*) ;;
+	esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+[ -z "$ssh_port" ] && ssh_port=2223
+if [ "$build_only" -eq 0 ]; then
+	remote_info=$(ssh -p "${ssh_port}" "root@${ssh_host}" '
+		source /etc/os-release
+		printf "%s\t%s\n" "$OPENWRT_BOARD" "$OPENWRT_ARCH"
+	')
+	REMOTE_OPENWRT_BOARD="$(echo "$remote_info" | cut -f 1)"
+	REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH="$(echo "$remote_info" | cut -f 2)"
+	# check target
+	if ! grep -q "CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES=\"${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}\"" "${topdir}/.config"; then
+		echo "Configured OpenWrt Target is not matching with the target machine!" 1>&2
+		echo
+		printf "%s" "    Configured architecture: " 1>&2
+		grep "CONFIG_TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES" "${topdir}/.config" 1>&2
+		echo "Target machine architecture: ${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}" 1>&2
+		echo 1>&2
+		echo "To switch the local with the run with the corresponding GLUON_TARGET:"  1>&2
+		echo "  make GLUON_TARGET=... config" 1>&2
+		exit 1
+	fi
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+	echo ERROR: Please specify a PACKAGE_DIR. For example:
+	echo
+	echo " \$ $0 package/gluon-core"
+	exit 1
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+	pkgdir="$1"; shift
+	echo "Package: ${pkgdir}"
+	if ! [ -f "${pkgdir}/Makefile" ]; then
+		echo "ERROR: ${pkgdir} does not contain a Makefile"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	if ! grep -q BuildPackage "${pkgdir}/Makefile"; then
+		echo "ERROR: ${pkgdir}/Makefile does not contain a BuildPackage command"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	opkg_packages="$(make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" DUMP=1 | awk '/^Package: / { print $2 }')"
+	search_package() {
+		find "$2" -name "$1_*.ipk" -printf "%f\n"
+	}
+	make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" clean
+	make TOPDIR="${topdir}" -C "${pkgdir}" compile
+	if [ "$build_only" -eq 1 ]; then
+		continue
+	fi
+	# IPv6 addresses need brackets around the ${ssh_host} for scp!
+	if echo "${ssh_host}" | grep -q :; then
+		BL=[
+		BR=]
+	fi
+	for pkg in ${opkg_packages}; do
+		for feed in "${topdir}/bin/packages/${REMOTE_OPENWRT_ARCH}/"*/ "${topdir}/bin/targets/${REMOTE_OPENWRT_BOARD}/packages/"; do
+			printf "%s" "searching ${pkg} in ${feed}: "
+			filename=$(search_package "${pkg}" "${feed}")
+			if [ -n "${filename}" ]; then
+				echo found!
+				break
+			else
+				echo not found
+			fi
+		done
+		if [ "$preserve_config" -eq 0 ]; then
+			opkg_flags=" --force-maintainer"
+		fi
+		# shellcheck disable=SC2029
+		if [ -n "$filename" ]; then
+			scp -P "${ssh_port}" "$feed/$filename" "root@${BL}${ssh_host}${BR}:/tmp/${filename}"
+			ssh -p "${ssh_port}" "root@${ssh_host}" "
+				set -e
+				echo Running opkg:
+				opkg install --force-reinstall ${opkg_flags} '/tmp/${filename}'
+				rm '/tmp/${filename}'
+				gluon-reconfigure
+			"
+		else
+			# Some packages (e.g. procd-seccomp) seem to contain BuildPackage commands
+			# which do not generate *.ipk files. Till this point, I am not aware why
+			# this is happening. However, dropping a warning if the corresponding
+			# *.ipk is not found (maybe due to other reasons as well), seems to
+			# be more reasonable than aborting. Before this commit, the command
+			# has failed.
+			echo "Warning: ${pkg}*.ipk not found! Ignoring." 1>&2
+		fi
+	done
diff --git a/contrib/run_qemu.sh b/contrib/run_qemu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3166f7e0290c19129296729c9f6d5620ac8e5c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/run_qemu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Note: You can exit the qemu instance by first pressing "CTRL + a" then "c".
+#       Then you enter the command mode of qemu and can exit by typing "quit".
+qemu-system-x86_64 \
+    -d 'cpu_reset' \
+    -enable-kvm \
+    -gdb tcp::1234 \
+    -nographic \
+    -netdev user,id=wan,hostfwd=tcp::2223- \
+    -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=wan,addr=0x06,id=nic1 \
+    -netdev user,id=lan,hostfwd=tcp::6080-,hostfwd=tcp::2222-,net= \
+    -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=lan,addr=0x05,id=nic2 \
+    "$@"
diff --git a/docs/dev/packages.rst b/docs/dev/packages.rst
index b6032b2e3232c1c7517a25a93daef3a8e9189ff9..098b0276c4186046baf75df56da13a29d6840bd8 100644
--- a/docs/dev/packages.rst
+++ b/docs/dev/packages.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,85 @@ Package development
 Gluon packages are OpenWrt packages and follow the same rules described at https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/packages.
+Development workflow
+When you are developing packages, it often happens that you iteratively want to deploy
+and verify the state your development. There are two ways to verify your changes:
+1) One way is to rebuild the complete firmware, flash it, configure it and verify your
+   development then. This usually takes at least a few minutes to get your changes
+   working so you can test them. Especially if you iterate a lot, this becomes tedious.
+2) Another way is to rebuild only the package you are currently working on and
+   to deploy this package to your test system. Here not even a reboot is required.
+   This makes iterating relatively fast. Your test system could be real hardware or
+   even a qemu in most cases.
+Gluon provides scripts to enhance workflow 2). Here is an example illustrating
+the workflow using these scripts:
+.. code-block:: shell
+  # start a local qemu instance
+  contrib/run_qemu.sh output/images/factory/[...]-x86-64.img
+  # apply changes to the desired package
+  vi package/gluon-ebtables/files/etc/init.d/gluon-ebtables
+  # rebuild and push the package to the qemu instance
+  contrib/push_pkg.sh package/gluon-ebtables/
+  # test your changes
+  ...
+  # do more changes
+  ...
+  # rebuild and push the package to the qemu instance
+  contrib/push_pkg.sh package/gluon-ebtables/
+  # test your changes
+  ...
+  (and so on...)
+  # see help of the script for more information
+  contrib/push_pkg.sh -h
+  ...
+Features of ``push_pkg.sh``:
+* Works with compiled and non-compiled packages.
+  * This means it can be used in the development of C-code, Lua-Code and mostly any other code.
+* Works with native OpenWrt and Gluon packages.
+* Pushes to remote machines or local qemu instances.
+* Pushes multiple packages in in one call if desired.
+* Performs site.conf checks.
+Implementation details of ``push_pkg.sh``:
+* First, the script builds an opkg package using the OpenWrt build system.
+* This package is pushed to a *target machine* using scp:
+  * By default the *target machine* is a locally running x86 qemu started using ``run_qemu.sh``.
+  * The *target machine* can also be remote machine. (See the cli switch ``-r``)
+  * Remote machines are not limited to a specific architecture. All architectures supported by gluon can be used as remote machines.
+* Finally opkg is used to install/update the packages in the target machine.
+  * While doing this, it will not override ``/etc/config`` with package defaults by default. (See the cli switch ``-P``).
+  * While doing this, opkg calls the ``check_site.lua`` from the package as post_install script to validate the ``site.conf``. This means that the ``site.conf`` of the target machine is used for this validation.
+Note that:
+* ``push_pkg.sh`` does neither build nor push dependencies of the packages automatically. If you want to update dependencies, you must explicitly specify them to be pushed.
+* If you add new packages, you must run ``make update config GLUON_TARGET=...``.
+* You can change the gluon target of the target machine via ``make config GLUON_TARGET=...``.
+* If you want to update the ``site.conf`` of the target machine, use ``push_pkg.sh package/gluon-site/``.
+* Sometimes when things break, you can heal them by compiling a package with its dependencies: ``cd openwrt; make package/gluon-ebtables/clean; make package/gluon-ebtables/compile; cd ..``.
+* You can exit qemu by pressing ``CTRL + a`` and ``c`` afterwards.
 Gluon package makefiles