diff --git a/patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-and-odhcp6c-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch b/patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch
similarity index 50%
rename from patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-and-odhcp6c-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch
rename to patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch
index 346df3e930bec71478a8cd440e3bfd92634e8aa1..b2945696fc330b8f078ce164076cbc7ecbf974c9 100644
--- a/patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-and-odhcp6c-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch
+++ b/patches/openwrt/0002-Update-netifd-from-Barrier-Breaker.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 From: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>
-Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 20:17:09 +0100
-Subject: Update netifd and odhcp6c from Barrier Breaker
+Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 11:47:31 +0100
+Subject: Update netifd from Barrier Breaker
 diff --git a/package/netifd/Makefile b/package/netifd/Makefile
 index 5f2ee03..6f6f30e 100644
@@ -126,138 +126,3 @@ index 0000000..510ee05
 + void
 + __vlist_simple_init(struct vlist_simple_tree *tree, int offset)
-diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-index e37b72e..7d0c48d 100644
---- a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-+++ b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-@@ -8,26 +8,37 @@
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=odhcp6c
- PKG_SOURCE_URL:=git://github.com/sbyx/odhcp6c.git
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk
-+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class),0)
-+  CMAKE_OPTIONS += -DEXT_PREFIX_CLASS=$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class)
- define Package/odhcp6c
--  SECTION:=ipv6
-+  SECTION:=net
-+  CATEGORY:=Network
-   TITLE:=Embedded DHCPv6-client for OpenWrt
-   DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6
- endef
-+define Package/odhcp6c/config
-+  config PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class
-+    int "Prefix Class Extension ID (0 = disabled)"
-+    depends on PACKAGE_odhcp6c
-+    default 0
- define Package/odhcp6c/install
- 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin/
- 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/odhcp6c $(1)/usr/sbin/
-diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
-index 324a823..8bcf766 100755
---- a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
-+++ b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
-@@ -64,23 +64,28 @@ setup_interface () {
- 		entry="${entry#*,}"
- 		local metric="${entry%%,*}"
--		proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid"
-+		if [ -z "$SOURCE_ROUTING" -o -z "$gw" ]; then
-+			proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid"
-+		else
-+			proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid" "::/128"
-+			for prefix in $PREFIXES; do
-+				local paddr="${prefix%%,*}"
-+				proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid" "$paddr"
-+			done
-+		fi
- 	done
- 	proto_send_update "$INTERFACE"
- 	if [ -n "$AFTR_IP " -a -n "$IFACE_DSLITE" ]; then
--uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
--set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.proto=dslite
--set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.auto=0
--set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.peeraddr=$AFTR_IP
--set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.tunlink=$INTERFACE
--commit network
--		ifdown "$IFACE_DSLITE"
--		/etc/init.d/network reload
--		ifup "$IFACE_DSLITE"
-+		json_init
-+		json_add_string name "$IFACE_DSLITE"
-+		json_add_string ifname "@$INTERFACE"
-+		json_add_string proto "dslite"
-+		json_add_string peeraddr "$AFTR_IP"
-+		json_add_string tunlink "$INTERFACE"
-+		json_close_object
-+		ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
- 	fi
-diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
-index bf6cd9a..0638d28 100755
---- a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
-+++ b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
-@@ -10,18 +10,20 @@ proto_dhcpv6_init_config() {
- 	proto_config_add_string "clientid"
- 	proto_config_add_string "reqopts"
- 	proto_config_add_string "noslaaconly"
-+	proto_config_add_string "forceprefix"
- 	proto_config_add_string "norelease"
- 	proto_config_add_string "ip6prefix"
- 	proto_config_add_string "iface_dslite"
- 	proto_config_add_string "ifaceid"
-+	proto_config_add_string "sourcerouting"
- }
- proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
- 	local config="$1"
- 	local iface="$2"
--	local reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid
--	json_get_vars reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid
-+	local reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly forceprefix norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid sourcerouting
-+	json_get_vars reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly forceprefix norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid sourcerouting
- 	# Configure
-@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
- 	[ "$noslaaconly" = "1" ] && append opts "-S"
-+	[ "$forceprefix" = "1" ] && append opts "-F"
- 	[ "$norelease" = "1" ] && append opts "-k"
- 	[ -n "$ifaceid" ] && append opts "-i$ifaceid"
-@@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
- 	[ -n "$ip6prefix" ] && proto_export "USERPREFIX=$ip6prefix"
- 	[ -n "$iface_dslite" ] && proto_export "IFACE_DSLITE=$iface_dslite"
-+	[ "$sourcerouting" = "1" ] && proto_export "SOURCE_ROUTING=1"
- 	proto_export "INTERFACE=$config"
- 	proto_run_command "$config" odhcp6c \
diff --git a/patches/openwrt/0003-Temporarily-use-forked-odhcp6c-version-until-our-patches-are-merged.patch b/patches/openwrt/0003-Temporarily-use-forked-odhcp6c-version-until-our-patches-are-merged.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f8325c513257242674d7002aab88da91ed42b349..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/patches/openwrt/0003-Temporarily-use-forked-odhcp6c-version-until-our-patches-are-merged.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>
-Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 22:43:19 +0100
-Subject: Temporarily use forked odhcp6c version until our patches are merged
-diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-index 7d0c48d..7badd2c 100644
---- a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-+++ b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
-@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=odhcp6c
- PKG_MAINTAINER:=Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
diff --git a/patches/openwrt/0003-Update-odhcp6c-to-latest-git-master.patch b/patches/openwrt/0003-Update-odhcp6c-to-latest-git-master.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8361b3a1595612515cb6660a06dae3e331a20d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/openwrt/0003-Update-odhcp6c-to-latest-git-master.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+From: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>
+Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014 11:47:58 +0100
+Subject: Update odhcp6c to latest git master
+diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
+index e37b72e..ed51b98 100644
+--- a/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
++++ b/package/odhcp6c/Makefile
+@@ -8,26 +8,37 @@
+ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+ PKG_NAME:=odhcp6c
+ PKG_SOURCE_URL:=git://github.com/sbyx/odhcp6c.git
+ PKG_MAINTAINER:=Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+ include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk
++ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class),0)
++  CMAKE_OPTIONS += -DEXT_PREFIX_CLASS=$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class)
+ define Package/odhcp6c
+-  SECTION:=ipv6
++  SECTION:=net
++  CATEGORY:=Network
+   TITLE:=Embedded DHCPv6-client for OpenWrt
+   DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6
+ endef
++define Package/odhcp6c/config
++  config PACKAGE_odhcp6c_ext_prefix_class
++    int "Prefix Class Extension ID (0 = disabled)"
++    depends on PACKAGE_odhcp6c
++    default 0
+ define Package/odhcp6c/install
+ 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ 	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/odhcp6c $(1)/usr/sbin/
+diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
+index 324a823..8bcf766 100755
+--- a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
++++ b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.script
+@@ -64,23 +64,28 @@ setup_interface () {
+ 		entry="${entry#*,}"
+ 		local metric="${entry%%,*}"
+-		proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid"
++		if [ -z "$SOURCE_ROUTING" -o -z "$gw" ]; then
++			proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid"
++		else
++			proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid" "::/128"
++			for prefix in $PREFIXES; do
++				local paddr="${prefix%%,*}"
++				proto_add_ipv6_route "$addr" "$mask" "$gw" "$metric" "$valid" "$paddr"
++			done
++		fi
+ 	done
+ 	proto_send_update "$INTERFACE"
+ 	if [ -n "$AFTR_IP " -a -n "$IFACE_DSLITE" ]; then
+-uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
+-set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.proto=dslite
+-set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.auto=0
+-set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.peeraddr=$AFTR_IP
+-set network.$IFACE_DSLITE.tunlink=$INTERFACE
+-commit network
+-		ifdown "$IFACE_DSLITE"
+-		/etc/init.d/network reload
+-		ifup "$IFACE_DSLITE"
++		json_init
++		json_add_string name "$IFACE_DSLITE"
++		json_add_string ifname "@$INTERFACE"
++		json_add_string proto "dslite"
++		json_add_string peeraddr "$AFTR_IP"
++		json_add_string tunlink "$INTERFACE"
++		json_close_object
++		ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
+ 	fi
+diff --git a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
+index bf6cd9a..0638d28 100755
+--- a/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
++++ b/package/odhcp6c/files/dhcpv6.sh
+@@ -10,18 +10,20 @@ proto_dhcpv6_init_config() {
+ 	proto_config_add_string "clientid"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "reqopts"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "noslaaconly"
++	proto_config_add_string "forceprefix"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "norelease"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "ip6prefix"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "iface_dslite"
+ 	proto_config_add_string "ifaceid"
++	proto_config_add_string "sourcerouting"
+ }
+ proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
+ 	local config="$1"
+ 	local iface="$2"
+-	local reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid
+-	json_get_vars reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid
++	local reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly forceprefix norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid sourcerouting
++	json_get_vars reqaddress reqprefix clientid reqopts noslaaconly forceprefix norelease ip6prefix iface_dslite ifaceid sourcerouting
+ 	# Configure
+@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
+ 	[ "$noslaaconly" = "1" ] && append opts "-S"
++	[ "$forceprefix" = "1" ] && append opts "-F"
+ 	[ "$norelease" = "1" ] && append opts "-k"
+ 	[ -n "$ifaceid" ] && append opts "-i$ifaceid"
+@@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ proto_dhcpv6_setup() {
+ 	[ -n "$ip6prefix" ] && proto_export "USERPREFIX=$ip6prefix"
+ 	[ -n "$iface_dslite" ] && proto_export "IFACE_DSLITE=$iface_dslite"
++	[ "$sourcerouting" = "1" ] && proto_export "SOURCE_ROUTING=1"
+ 	proto_export "INTERFACE=$config"
+ 	proto_run_command "$config" odhcp6c \