diff --git a/package/gluon-autoupdater/src/respondd.c b/package/gluon-autoupdater/src/respondd.c
index e9738a4cc273d99d1baf328287af0cc5073efacf..b73668607ac3cc5b27785792068f461149f27a88 100644
--- a/package/gluon-autoupdater/src/respondd.c
+++ b/package/gluon-autoupdater/src/respondd.c
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_autoupdater(void) {
 	return ret;
- error:
 	return NULL;
diff --git a/package/gluon-core/src/site.c b/package/gluon-core/src/site.c
index 971d44cf89dc66e653ad752e7d20eebdb8d8549a..f90b3fcee545ecfdf948de5f9257eb4ec674fee4 100644
--- a/package/gluon-core/src/site.c
+++ b/package/gluon-core/src/site.c
@@ -10,104 +10,104 @@
 static struct json_object * gluon_site_udata(lua_State *L, int narg) {
-        return *(struct json_object **)luaL_checkudata(L, narg, UDATA);
+	return *(struct json_object **)luaL_checkudata(L, narg, UDATA);
 static void gluon_site_push_none(lua_State *L) {
-        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, gluon_site_push_none);
-        lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+	lua_pushlightuserdata(L, gluon_site_push_none);
+	lua_rawget(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
 static void gluon_site_do_wrap(lua_State *L, struct json_object *obj) {
-        struct json_object **objp = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct json_object *));
-        *objp = json_object_get(obj);
-        luaL_getmetatable(L, UDATA);
-        lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+	struct json_object **objp = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct json_object *));
+	*objp = json_object_get(obj);
+	luaL_getmetatable(L, UDATA);
+	lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
 static void gluon_site_wrap(lua_State *L, struct json_object *obj) {
-        if (obj)
-                gluon_site_do_wrap(L, obj);
-        else
-                gluon_site_push_none(L);
+	if (obj)
+		gluon_site_do_wrap(L, obj);
+	else
+		gluon_site_push_none(L);
 static int gluon_site_index(lua_State *L) {
-        struct json_object *obj = gluon_site_udata(L, 1);
-        const char *key;
-        lua_Number lua_index;
-        size_t index;
-        struct json_object *v = NULL;
+	struct json_object *obj = gluon_site_udata(L, 1);
+	const char *key;
+	lua_Number lua_index;
+	size_t index;
+	struct json_object *v = NULL;
-        switch (json_object_get_type(obj)) {
+	switch (json_object_get_type(obj)) {
 	case json_type_object:
-                key = lua_tostring(L, 2);
-                if (key)
-                        json_object_object_get_ex(obj, key, &v);
-                break;
+		key = lua_tostring(L, 2);
+		if (key)
+			json_object_object_get_ex(obj, key, &v);
+		break;
 	case json_type_array:
-                index = lua_index = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
-                if (lua_index == (lua_Number)index && index >= 1)
-                        v = json_object_array_get_idx(obj, index-1);
-                break;
+		index = lua_index = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
+		if (lua_index == (lua_Number)index && index >= 1)
+			v = json_object_array_get_idx(obj, index-1);
+		break;
 	case json_type_string:
-        case json_type_null:
-                break;
+	case json_type_null:
+		break;
 	case json_type_boolean:
 	case json_type_int:
 	case json_type_double:
-                luaL_error(L, "attempt to index a number or boolean value");
-                __builtin_unreachable();
-        }
+		luaL_error(L, "attempt to index a number or boolean value");
+		__builtin_unreachable();
+	}
-        gluon_site_wrap(L, v);
-        return 1;
+	gluon_site_wrap(L, v);
+	return 1;
 static int gluon_site_call(lua_State *L) {
-        struct json_object *obj = gluon_site_udata(L, 1);
-        if (obj) {
-                lua_jsonc_push_json(L, obj);
-        } else {
-                if (lua_isnone(L, 2))
-                        lua_pushnil(L);
-                else
-                        lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
-        }
-        return 1;
+	struct json_object *obj = gluon_site_udata(L, 1);
+	if (obj) {
+		lua_jsonc_push_json(L, obj);
+	} else {
+		if (lua_isnone(L, 2))
+			lua_pushnil(L);
+		else
+			lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
+	}
+	return 1;
 static int gluon_site_gc(lua_State *L) {
-        json_object_put(gluon_site_udata(L, 1));
-        return 0;
+	json_object_put(gluon_site_udata(L, 1));
+	return 0;
 static const luaL_reg R[] = {
-        { "__index", gluon_site_index },
-        { "__call", gluon_site_call },
-        { "__gc", gluon_site_gc },
-        {}
+	{ "__index", gluon_site_index },
+	{ "__call", gluon_site_call },
+	{ "__gc", gluon_site_gc },
+	{}
 int luaopen_gluon_site(lua_State *L) {
-        luaL_newmetatable(L, UDATA);
-        luaL_register(L, NULL, R);
-        lua_pop(L, 1);
-        /* Create "none" object */
-        lua_pushlightuserdata(L, gluon_site_push_none);
-        gluon_site_do_wrap(L, NULL);
-        lua_rawset(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
-        struct json_object *site = gluonutil_load_site_config();
-        gluon_site_wrap(L, site);
-        json_object_put(site);
+	luaL_newmetatable(L, UDATA);
+	luaL_register(L, NULL, R);
+	lua_pop(L, 1);
+	/* Create "none" object */
+	lua_pushlightuserdata(L, gluon_site_push_none);
+	gluon_site_do_wrap(L, NULL);
+	lua_rawset(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+	struct json_object *site = gluonutil_load_site_config();
+	gluon_site_wrap(L, site);
+	json_object_put(site);
 	return 1;
diff --git a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.c b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.c
index 140090ef6182e60e8175e60ff84fdbad123c7c50..18e799a4a137b12bea40d046cb61f5708b784492 100644
--- a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.c
+++ b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "lookup3.h"
 static struct addr_list *addr_node_alloc(void *addr,
-					 struct addr_store *store)
+		struct addr_store *store)
 	struct addr_list *node;
 	size_t addr_len = store->addr_len;
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ static struct addr_list *addr_node_alloc(void *addr,
 static struct addr_list *addr_list_search(void *addr,
-					  size_t addr_len,
-					  struct addr_list *list)
+		size_t addr_len,
+		struct addr_list *list)
 	struct addr_list *node = list;
 	struct addr_list *ret = NULL;
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int addr_store_add(void *addr, struct addr_store *store)
 	struct addr_list **bucket = addr_store_get_bucket(addr, store);
 	struct addr_list *node = addr_list_search(addr, store->addr_len,
-						  *bucket);
+			*bucket);
 	if (node) {
 		node->tic = clock;
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ int addr_store_add(void *addr, struct addr_store *store)
 int addr_store_init(size_t addr_len,
-		    void (*destructor)(struct addr_list *),
-		    char *(*ntoa)(void *),
-		    struct addr_store *store)
+		void (*destructor)(struct addr_list *),
+		char *(*ntoa)(void *),
+		struct addr_store *store)
 	int i;
diff --git a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.h b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.h
index 5d52fbaa1170cd5964c1b9f390649eb6d66be83e..ca3cabc13059a9b73536f6ca041d6650ca7fce8c 100644
--- a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.h
+++ b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/addr_store.h
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ struct addr_store {
 int addr_store_init(size_t addr_len,
-		    void (*destructor)(struct addr_list *),
-		    char *(*ntoa)(void *),
-		    struct addr_store *store);
+		void (*destructor)(struct addr_list *),
+		char *(*ntoa)(void *),
+		struct addr_store *store);
 int addr_store_add(void *addr, struct addr_store *store);
 void addr_store_cleanup(struct addr_store *store);
diff --git a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/gluon-arp-limiter.c b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/gluon-arp-limiter.c
index 5875e89769b1e006ef6e03687fa05fece7d0fafc..93940a3c6e2e485036fd88a811832e0cb001df97 100644
--- a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/gluon-arp-limiter.c
+++ b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/gluon-arp-limiter.c
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ static void ebt_ip_call(char *mod, struct in_addr ip)
 	int ret;
 	snprintf(str, sizeof(str),
-		 EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_DATCHECK -p ARP --arp-ip-dst %s -j mark --mark-or 0x2 --mark-target RETURN",
-		 mod, inet_ntoa(ip));
+			EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_DATCHECK -p ARP --arp-ip-dst %s -j mark --mark-or 0x2 --mark-target RETURN",
+			mod, inet_ntoa(ip));
 	ret = system(str);
 	if (ret)
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ static void ebt_mac_limit_call(char *mod, struct mac_addr *mac)
 	int ret;
 	snprintf(str, sizeof(str),
-		 EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_TLCHECK --source %s --limit 6/min --limit-burst 50 -j RETURN",
-		 mod, mac_ntoa(mac));
+			EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_TLCHECK --source %s --limit 6/min --limit-burst 50 -j RETURN",
+			mod, mac_ntoa(mac));
 	ret = system(str);
 	if (ret)
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ static void ebt_mac_ret_call(char *mod, struct mac_addr *mac, int add)
 	int ret;
 	snprintf(str, sizeof(str),
-		 EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_TLCHECK %s --source %s -j DROP",
-		 mod, add ? "2" : "", mac_ntoa(mac));
+			EBTABLES " %s ARP_LIMIT_TLCHECK %s --source %s -j DROP",
+			mod, add ? "2" : "", mac_ntoa(mac));
 	ret = system(str);
 	if (ret)
diff --git a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/lookup3.c b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/lookup3.c
index 173fdef6233bdb776ab093cad763e6e342753550..f8d84494a358c5cf69eb1f2f5661d93db4fcba6b 100644
--- a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/lookup3.c
+++ b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/lookup3.c
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ hashlittle() except it returns two 32-bit hashes for the price of one.
 You could implement hashbig2() if you wanted but I haven't bothered here.
 If you want to find a hash of, say, exactly 7 integers, do
-  a = i1;  b = i2;  c = i3;
-  mix(a,b,c);
-  a += i4; b += i5; c += i6;
-  mix(a,b,c);
-  a += i7;
-  final(a,b,c);
+	a = i1;  b = i2;  c = i3;
+	mix(a,b,c);
+	a += i4; b += i5; c += i6;
+	mix(a,b,c);
+	a += i7;
+	final(a,b,c);
 then use c as the hash value.  If you have a variable length array of
 4-byte integers to hash, use hashword().  If you have a byte array (like
 a character string), use hashlittle().  If you have several byte arrays, or
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ on 1 byte), but shoehorning those bytes into integers efficiently is messy.
  * need adjustment.
 #if (defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) && \
-     __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN) || \
-    (defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || \
-     defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) || defined(vax) || defined(MIPSEL))
+		(defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || \
+		defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) || defined(vax) || defined(MIPSEL))
 # define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 0
 #elif (defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) && \
-       __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) || \
-      (defined(sparc) || defined(POWERPC) || defined(mc68000) || defined(sel))
+		__BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) || \
+		(defined(sparc) || defined(POWERPC) || defined(mc68000) || defined(sel))
 # define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 1
@@ -79,20 +79,20 @@ mix() in reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that
 are sometimes the same for one pair and different for another pair.
 This was tested for:
 * pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
-  of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
-  (a,b,c).
+	of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+	(a,b,c).
 * "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^.  For + and -, I transformed
-  the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
-  is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
-  difference.
+	the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+	is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+	difference.
 * the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or 
-  all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+	all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
 Some k values for my "a-=c; a^=rot(c,k); c+=b;" arrangement that
 satisfy this are
-    4  6  8 16 19  4
-    9 15  3 18 27 15
-   14  9  3  7 17  3
+	4   6  8 16 19  4
+	9  15  3 18 27 15
+	14  9  3  7 17  3
 Well, "9 15 3 18 27 15" didn't quite get 32 bits diffing
 for "differ" defined as + with a one-bit base and a two-bit delta.  I
 used https://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/avalanche.html to choose
@@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ rotates.
 #define mix(a,b,c) \
 { \
-  a -= c;  a ^= rot(c, 4);  c += b; \
-  b -= a;  b ^= rot(a, 6);  a += c; \
-  c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 8);  b += a; \
-  a -= c;  a ^= rot(c,16);  c += b; \
-  b -= a;  b ^= rot(a,19);  a += c; \
-  c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 4);  b += a; \
+	a -= c;  a ^= rot(c, 4);  c += b; \
+	b -= a;  b ^= rot(a, 6);  a += c; \
+	c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 8);  b += a; \
+	a -= c;  a ^= rot(c,16);  c += b; \
+	b -= a;  b ^= rot(a,19);  a += c; \
+	c -= b;  c ^= rot(b, 4);  b += a; \
@@ -128,46 +128,46 @@ final -- final mixing of 3 32-bit values (a,b,c) into c
 Pairs of (a,b,c) values differing in only a few bits will usually
 produce values of c that look totally different.  This was tested for
 * pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
-  of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
-  (a,b,c).
+	of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+	(a,b,c).
 * "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^.  For + and -, I transformed
-  the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
-  is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
-  difference.
+	the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+	is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+	difference.
 * the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or 
-  all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+	all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
 These constants passed:
- 14 11 25 16 4 14 24
- 12 14 25 16 4 14 24
+	14 11 25 16 4 14 24
+	12 14 25 16 4 14 24
 and these came close:
-  4  8 15 26 3 22 24
- 10  8 15 26 3 22 24
- 11  8 15 26 3 22 24
+	4  8 15 26 3 22 24
+	10 8 15 26 3 22 24
+	11 8 15 26 3 22 24
 #define final(a,b,c) \
 { \
-  c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \
-  a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \
-  b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \
-  c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \
-  a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4);  \
-  b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \
-  c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \
+	c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \
+	a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \
+	b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \
+	c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \
+	a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4);  \
+	b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \
+	c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \
- This works on all machines.  To be useful, it requires
- -- that the key be an array of uint32_t's, and
- -- that the length be the number of uint32_t's in the key
- The function hashword() is identical to hashlittle() on little-endian
- machines, and identical to hashbig() on big-endian machines,
- except that the length has to be measured in uint32_ts rather than in
- bytes.  hashlittle() is more complicated than hashword() only because
- hashlittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers.
+This works on all machines.  To be useful, it requires
+-- that the key be an array of uint32_t's, and
+-- that the length be the number of uint32_t's in the key
+The function hashword() is identical to hashlittle() on little-endian
+machines, and identical to hashbig() on big-endian machines,
+except that the length has to be measured in uint32_ts rather than in
+bytes.  hashlittle() is more complicated than hashword() only because
+hashlittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers.
 uint32_t hashword(
@@ -175,34 +175,34 @@ const uint32_t *k,                   /* the key, an array of uint32_t values */
 size_t          length,               /* the length of the key, in uint32_ts */
 uint32_t        initval)         /* the previous hash, or an arbitrary value */
-  uint32_t a,b,c;
-  /* Set up the internal state */
-  a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (((uint32_t)length)<<2) + initval;
-  /*------------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
-  while (length > 3)
-  {
-    a += k[0];
-    b += k[1];
-    c += k[2];
-    mix(a,b,c);
-    length -= 3;
-    k += 3;
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
-  switch(length)                     /* all the case statements fall through */
-  { 
-  case 3 : c+=k[2];
-  case 2 : b+=k[1];
-  case 1 : a+=k[0];
-    final(a,b,c);
-  case 0:     /* case 0: nothing left to add */
-    break;
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------ report the result */
-  return c;
+	uint32_t a,b,c;
+	/* Set up the internal state */
+	a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (((uint32_t)length)<<2) + initval;
+	/*------------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
+	while (length > 3)
+	{
+		a += k[0];
+		b += k[1];
+		c += k[2];
+		mix(a,b,c);
+		length -= 3;
+		k += 3;
+	}
+	/*------------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
+	switch(length)                     /* all the case statements fall through */
+	{
+		case 3 : c+=k[2];
+		case 2 : b+=k[1];
+		case 1 : a+=k[0];
+			final(a,b,c);
+		case 0:     /* case 0: nothing left to add */
+			break;
+	}
+	/*------------------------------------------------------ report the result */
+	return c;
@@ -215,49 +215,49 @@ both be initialized with seeds.  If you pass in (*pb)==0, the output
 void hashword2 (
-const uint32_t *k,                   /* the key, an array of uint32_t values */
-size_t          length,               /* the length of the key, in uint32_ts */
-uint32_t       *pc,                      /* IN: seed OUT: primary hash value */
-uint32_t       *pb)               /* IN: more seed OUT: secondary hash value */
+		const uint32_t *k,                   /* the key, an array of uint32_t values */
+		size_t          length,               /* the length of the key, in uint32_ts */
+		uint32_t       *pc,                      /* IN: seed OUT: primary hash value */
+		uint32_t       *pb)               /* IN: more seed OUT: secondary hash value */
-  uint32_t a,b,c;
-  /* Set up the internal state */
-  a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)(length<<2)) + *pc;
-  c += *pb;
-  /*------------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
-  while (length > 3)
-  {
-    a += k[0];
-    b += k[1];
-    c += k[2];
-    mix(a,b,c);
-    length -= 3;
-    k += 3;
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
-  switch(length)                     /* all the case statements fall through */
-  { 
-  case 3 : c+=k[2];
-  case 2 : b+=k[1];
-  case 1 : a+=k[0];
-    final(a,b,c);
-  case 0:     /* case 0: nothing left to add */
-    break;
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------ report the result */
-  *pc=c; *pb=b;
+	uint32_t a,b,c;
+	/* Set up the internal state */
+	a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)(length<<2)) + *pc;
+	c += *pb;
+	/*------------------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
+	while (length > 3)
+	{
+		a += k[0];
+		b += k[1];
+		c += k[2];
+		mix(a,b,c);
+		length -= 3;
+		k += 3;
+	}
+	/*------------------------------------------- handle the last 3 uint32_t's */
+	switch(length)                     /* all the case statements fall through */
+	{
+		case 3 : c+=k[2];
+		case 2 : b+=k[1];
+		case 1 : a+=k[0];
+			final(a,b,c);
+		case 0:     /* case 0: nothing left to add */
+			break;
+	}
+	/*------------------------------------------------------ report the result */
+	*pc=c; *pb=b;
 hashlittle() -- hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
-  k       : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
-  length  : the length of the key, counting by bytes
-  initval : can be any 4-byte value
+	k       : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
+	length  : the length of the key, counting by bytes
+	initval : can be any 4-byte value
 Returns a 32-bit value.  Every bit of the key affects every bit of
 the return value.  Two keys differing by one or two bits will have
 totally different hash values.
@@ -265,11 +265,11 @@ totally different hash values.
 The best hash table sizes are powers of 2.  There is no need to do
 mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!).  If you need less than 32 bits,
 use a bitmask.  For example, if you need only 10 bits, do
-  h = (h & hashmask(10));
+	h = (h & hashmask(10));
 In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.
 If you are hashing n strings (uint8_t **)k, do it like this:
-  for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = hashlittle( k[i], len[i], h);
+	for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = hashlittle( k[i], len[i], h);
 By Bob Jenkins, 2006.  bob_jenkins@burtleburtle.net.  You may use this
 code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial.  It's free.
@@ -281,170 +281,169 @@ acceptable.  Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes.
 uint32_t hashlittle( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
-  uint32_t a,b,c;                                          /* internal state */
-  union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u;     /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
-  /* Set up the internal state */
-  a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
-  u.ptr = key;
-  if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
-    const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
-    /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0];
-      b += k[1];
-      c += k[2];
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 3;
-    }
-    /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
-    /* 
-     * "k[2]&0xffffff" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
-     * then masks off the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
-     * string is aligned, the masked-off tail is in the same word as the
-     * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
-     * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
-     * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
-     * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
-     */
+	uint32_t a,b,c;                                          /* internal state */
+	union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u;     /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
+	/* Set up the internal state */
+	a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
+	u.ptr = key;
+	if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
+		const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
+		/*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0];
+			b += k[1];
+			c += k[2];
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 3;
+		}
+		/*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+		/*
+		 * "k[2]&0xffffff" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
+		 * then masks off the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
+		 * string is aligned, the masked-off tail is in the same word as the
+		 * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
+		 * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
+		 * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
+		 * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
+		 */
 #ifndef VALGRIND
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff; break;
-    case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff; break;
-    case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; break;
-    case 0 : return c;              /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff; break;
+			case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff; break;
+			case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; break;
+			case 0 : return c;              /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
 #else /* make valgrind happy */
-    k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;  /* fall through */
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 9 : c+=k8[8];                   /* fall through */
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;   /* fall through */
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 5 : b+=k8[4];                   /* fall through */
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;   /* fall through */
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
-    case 0 : return c;
-    }
+		k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;  /* fall through */
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 9 : c+=k8[8];                   /* fall through */
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;   /* fall through */
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 5 : b+=k8[4];                   /* fall through */
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;   /* fall through */
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
+			case 0 : return c;
+		}
 #endif /* !valgrind */
-  } else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
-    const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key;         /* read 16-bit chunks */
-    const uint8_t  *k8;
-    /*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-      b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-      c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 6;
-    }
-    /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
-    k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
-             b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;     /* fall through */
-    case 10: c+=k[4];
-             b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 9 : c+=k8[8];                      /* fall through */
-    case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;      /* fall through */
-    case 6 : b+=k[2];
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 5 : b+=k8[4];                      /* fall through */
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;      /* fall through */
-    case 2 : a+=k[0];
-             break;
-    case 1 : a+=k8[0];
-             break;
-    case 0 : return c;                     /* zero length requires no mixing */
-    }
-  } else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
-    const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
-    /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0];
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
-      b += k[4];
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
-      c += k[8];
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 12;
-    }
-    /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
-    switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
-    {
-    case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
-    case 9 : c+=k[8];
-    case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
-    case 5 : b+=k[4];
-    case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
-    case 1 : a+=k[0];
-             break;
-    case 0 : return c;
-    }
-  }
-  final(a,b,c);
-  return c;
+	} else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
+		const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key;         /* read 16-bit chunks */
+		const uint8_t  *k8;
+		/*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+			c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 6;
+		}
+		/*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+		k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+				b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+				a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+				break;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;     /* fall through */
+			case 10: c+=k[4];
+				b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+				a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+				break;
+			case 9 : c+=k8[8];                      /* fall through */
+			case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+				a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+				break;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;      /* fall through */
+			case 6 : b+=k[2];
+				a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+				break;
+			case 5 : b+=k8[4];                      /* fall through */
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+				break;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;      /* fall through */
+			case 2 : a+=k[0];
+				break;
+			case 1 : a+=k8[0];
+				break;
+			case 0 : return c;                     /* zero length requires no mixing */
+		}
+	} else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
+		const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
+		/*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0];
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+			b += k[4];
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+			c += k[8];
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 12;
+		}
+		/*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
+		switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
+		{
+			case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+			case 9 : c+=k[8];
+			case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+			case 5 : b+=k[4];
+			case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+			case 1 : a+=k[0];
+				break;
+			case 0 : return c;
+		}
+	}
+	final(a,b,c);
+	return c;
@@ -458,177 +457,177 @@ uint32_t hashlittle( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
  * the key.  *pc is better mixed than *pb, so use *pc first.  If you want
  * a 64-bit value do something like "*pc + (((uint64_t)*pb)<<32)".
-void hashlittle2( 
-  const void *key,       /* the key to hash */
-  size_t      length,    /* length of the key */
-  uint32_t   *pc,        /* IN: primary initval, OUT: primary hash */
-  uint32_t   *pb)        /* IN: secondary initval, OUT: secondary hash */
+void hashlittle2(
+	const void *key,       /* the key to hash */
+	size_t      length,    /* length of the key */
+	uint32_t   *pc,        /* IN: primary initval, OUT: primary hash */
+	uint32_t   *pb)        /* IN: secondary initval, OUT: secondary hash */
-  uint32_t a,b,c;                                          /* internal state */
-  union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u;     /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
-  /* Set up the internal state */
-  a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + *pc;
-  c += *pb;
-  u.ptr = key;
-  if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
-    const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
-    /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0];
-      b += k[1];
-      c += k[2];
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 3;
-    }
-    /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
-    /* 
-     * "k[2]&0xffffff" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
-     * then masks off the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
-     * string is aligned, the masked-off tail is in the same word as the
-     * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
-     * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
-     * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
-     * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
-     */
+	uint32_t a,b,c;                                          /* internal state */
+	union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u;     /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
+	/* Set up the internal state */
+	a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + *pc;
+	c += *pb;
+	u.ptr = key;
+	if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
+		const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
+		/*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0];
+			b += k[1];
+			c += k[2];
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 3;
+		}
+		/*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+		/*
+		 * "k[2]&0xffffff" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
+		 * then masks off the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
+		 * string is aligned, the masked-off tail is in the same word as the
+		 * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
+		 * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
+		 * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
+		 * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
+		 */
 #ifndef VALGRIND
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff; break;
-    case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff; break;
-    case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; break;
-    case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff; break;
+			case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff; break;
+			case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff; break;
+			case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
 #else /* make valgrind happy */
-    k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;  /* fall through */
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 9 : c+=k8[8];                   /* fall through */
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;   /* fall through */
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 5 : b+=k8[4];                   /* fall through */
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;   /* fall through */
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8;    /* fall through */
-    case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
-    case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
+		k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;  /* fall through */
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 9 : c+=k8[8];                   /* fall through */
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;   /* fall through */
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 5 : b+=k8[4];                   /* fall through */
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;   /* fall through */
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8;    /* fall through */
+			case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
+			case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
 #endif /* !valgrind */
-  } else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
-    const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key;         /* read 16-bit chunks */
-    const uint8_t  *k8;
-    /*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-      b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-      c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 6;
-    }
-    /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
-    k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
-             b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;     /* fall through */
-    case 10: c+=k[4];
-             b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 9 : c+=k8[8];                      /* fall through */
-    case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;      /* fall through */
-    case 6 : b+=k[2];
-             a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 5 : b+=k8[4];                      /* fall through */
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
-             break;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;      /* fall through */
-    case 2 : a+=k[0];
-             break;
-    case 1 : a+=k8[0];
-             break;
-    case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
-  } else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
-    const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
-    /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0];
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
-      b += k[4];
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
-      c += k[8];
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 12;
-    }
-    /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
-    switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
-    {
-    case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
-    case 9 : c+=k[8];
-    case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
-    case 5 : b+=k[4];
-    case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
-    case 1 : a+=k[0];
-             break;
-    case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
-  }
-  final(a,b,c);
-  *pc=c; *pb=b;
+	} else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
+		const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key;         /* read 16-bit chunks */
+		const uint8_t  *k8;
+		/*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+			c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 6;
+		}
+		/*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+		k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+		switch(length)
+		{
+		case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+			b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+			a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			break;
+		case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16;     /* fall through */
+		case 10: c+=k[4];
+			b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+			a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			break;
+		case 9 : c+=k8[8];                      /* fall through */
+		case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+			a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			break;
+		case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16;      /* fall through */
+		case 6 : b+=k[2];
+			a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			break;
+		case 5 : b+=k8[4];                      /* fall through */
+		case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+			break;
+		case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16;      /* fall through */
+		case 2 : a+=k[0];
+			break;
+		case 1 : a+=k8[0];
+			break;
+		case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
+	} else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
+		const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
+		/*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0];
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+			b += k[4];
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+			c += k[8];
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 12;
+		}
+		/*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
+		switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
+		{
+			case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+			case 9 : c+=k[8];
+			case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+			case 5 : b+=k[4];
+			case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+			case 1 : a+=k[0];
+				break;
+			case 0 : *pc=c; *pb=b; return;  /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
+	}
+	final(a,b,c);
+	*pc=c; *pb=b;
@@ -641,123 +640,123 @@ void hashlittle2(
 uint32_t hashbig( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
-  uint32_t a,b,c;
-  union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u; /* to cast key to (size_t) happily */
-  /* Set up the internal state */
-  a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
-  u.ptr = key;
-  if (HASH_BIG_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
-    const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
-    /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += k[0];
-      b += k[1];
-      c += k[2];
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 3;
-    }
-    /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
-    /* 
-     * "k[2]<<8" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
-     * then shifts out the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
-     * string is aligned, the illegal read is in the same word as the
-     * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
-     * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
-     * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
-     * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
-     */
+	uint32_t a,b,c;
+	union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u; /* to cast key to (size_t) happily */
+	/* Set up the internal state */
+	a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length) + initval;
+	u.ptr = key;
+	if (HASH_BIG_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
+		const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key;         /* read 32-bit chunks */
+		/*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += k[0];
+			b += k[1];
+			c += k[2];
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 3;
+		}
+		/*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+		/*
+		 * "k[2]<<8" actually reads beyond the end of the string, but
+		 * then shifts out the part it's not allowed to read.  Because the
+		 * string is aligned, the illegal read is in the same word as the
+		 * rest of the string.  Every machine with memory protection I've seen
+		 * does it on word boundaries, so is OK with this.  But VALGRIND will
+		 * still catch it and complain.  The masking trick does make the hash
+		 * noticeably faster for short strings (like English words).
+		 * */
 #ifndef VALGRIND
-    switch(length)
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff00; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff0000; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff000000; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff00; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff0000; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff000000; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff00; break;
-    case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff0000; break;
-    case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff000000; break;
-    case 0 : return c;              /* zero length strings require no mixing */
-    }
+		switch(length)
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=k[2]&0xffffff00; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 10: c+=k[2]&0xffff0000; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 9 : c+=k[2]&0xff000000; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=k[1]&0xffffff00; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 6 : b+=k[1]&0xffff0000; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 5 : b+=k[1]&0xff000000; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=k[0]&0xffffff00; break;
+			case 2 : a+=k[0]&0xffff0000; break;
+			case 1 : a+=k[0]&0xff000000; break;
+			case 0 : return c;              /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+		}
 #else  /* make valgrind happy */
-    k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
-    switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<8;  /* fall through */
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<16;  /* fall through */
-    case 9 : c+=((uint32_t)k8[8])<<24;  /* fall through */
-    case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<8;   /* fall through */
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<16;  /* fall through */
-    case 5 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[4])<<24;  /* fall through */
-    case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<8;   /* fall through */
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<16;  /* fall through */
-    case 1 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[0])<<24; break;
-    case 0 : return c;
-    }
+		k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+		switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<8;  /* fall through */
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<16;  /* fall through */
+			case 9 : c+=((uint32_t)k8[8])<<24;  /* fall through */
+			case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<8;   /* fall through */
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<16;  /* fall through */
+			case 5 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[4])<<24;  /* fall through */
+			case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<8;   /* fall through */
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<16;  /* fall through */
+			case 1 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[0])<<24; break;
+			case 0 : return c;
+		}
 #endif /* !VALGRIND */
-  } else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
-    const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
-    /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
-    while (length > 12)
-    {
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[0])<<24;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<16;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<8;
-      a += ((uint32_t)k[3]);
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[4])<<24;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<16;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<8;
-      b += ((uint32_t)k[7]);
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[8])<<24;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<16;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<8;
-      c += ((uint32_t)k[11]);
-      mix(a,b,c);
-      length -= 12;
-      k += 12;
-    }
-    /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
-    switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
-    {
-    case 12: c+=k[11];
-    case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<8;
-    case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<16;
-    case 9 : c+=((uint32_t)k[8])<<24;
-    case 8 : b+=k[7];
-    case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<8;
-    case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<16;
-    case 5 : b+=((uint32_t)k[4])<<24;
-    case 4 : a+=k[3];
-    case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<8;
-    case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<16;
-    case 1 : a+=((uint32_t)k[0])<<24;
-             break;
-    case 0 : return c;
-    }
-  }
-  final(a,b,c);
-  return c;
+	} else {                        /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
+		const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
+		/*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+		while (length > 12)
+		{
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[0])<<24;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<16;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<8;
+			a += ((uint32_t)k[3]);
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[4])<<24;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<16;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<8;
+			b += ((uint32_t)k[7]);
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[8])<<24;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<16;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<8;
+			c += ((uint32_t)k[11]);
+			mix(a,b,c);
+			length -= 12;
+			k += 12;
+		}
+		/*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
+		switch(length)                   /* all the case statements fall through */
+		{
+			case 12: c+=k[11];
+			case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<8;
+			case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<16;
+			case 9 : c+=((uint32_t)k[8])<<24;
+			case 8 : b+=k[7];
+			case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<8;
+			case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<16;
+			case 5 : b+=((uint32_t)k[4])<<24;
+			case 4 : a+=k[3];
+			case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<8;
+			case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<16;
+			case 1 : a+=((uint32_t)k[0])<<24;
+				break;
+			case 0 : return c;
+		}
+	}
+	final(a,b,c);
+	return c;
@@ -766,19 +765,19 @@ uint32_t hashbig( const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
 /* used for timings */
 void driver1()
-  uint8_t buf[256];
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint32_t h=0;
-  time_t a,z;
-  time(&a);
-  for (i=0; i<256; ++i) buf[i] = 'x';
-  for (i=0; i<1; ++i) 
-  {
-    h = hashlittle(&buf[0],1,h);
-  }
-  time(&z);
-  if (z-a > 0) printf("time %d %.8x\n", z-a, h);
+	uint8_t buf[256];
+	uint32_t i;
+	uint32_t h=0;
+	time_t a,z;
+	time(&a);
+	for (i=0; i<256; ++i) buf[i] = 'x';
+	for (i=0; i<1; ++i)
+	{
+		h = hashlittle(&buf[0],1,h);
+	}
+	time(&z);
+	if (z-a > 0) printf("time %d %.8x\n", z-a, h);
 /* check that every input bit changes every output bit half the time */
@@ -788,211 +787,210 @@ void driver1()
 #define MAXLEN  70
 void driver2()
-  uint8_t qa[MAXLEN+1], qb[MAXLEN+2], *a = &qa[0], *b = &qb[1];
-  uint32_t c[HASHSTATE], d[HASHSTATE], i=0, j=0, k, l, m=0, z;
-  uint32_t x[HASHSTATE],y[HASHSTATE];
-  uint32_t hlen;
-  printf("No more than %d trials should ever be needed \n",MAXPAIR/2);
-  for (hlen=0; hlen < MAXLEN; ++hlen)
-  {
-    z=0;
-    for (i=0; i<hlen; ++i)  /*----------------------- for each input byte, */
-    {
-      for (j=0; j<8; ++j)   /*------------------------ for each input bit, */
-      {
-	for (m=1; m<8; ++m) /*------------ for several possible initvals, */
+	uint8_t qa[MAXLEN+1], qb[MAXLEN+2], *a = &qa[0], *b = &qb[1];
+	uint32_t c[HASHSTATE], d[HASHSTATE], i=0, j=0, k, l, m=0, z;
+	uint32_t x[HASHSTATE],y[HASHSTATE];
+	uint32_t hlen;
+	printf("No more than %d trials should ever be needed \n",MAXPAIR/2);
+	for (hlen=0; hlen < MAXLEN; ++hlen)
-	  for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l)
-	    e[l]=f[l]=g[l]=h[l]=x[l]=y[l]=~((uint32_t)0);
-      	  /*---- check that every output bit is affected by that input bit */
-	  for (k=0; k<MAXPAIR; k+=2)
-	  { 
-	    uint32_t finished=1;
-	    /* keys have one bit different */
-	    for (l=0; l<hlen+1; ++l) {a[l] = b[l] = (uint8_t)0;}
-	    /* have a and b be two keys differing in only one bit */
-	    a[i] ^= (k<<j);
-	    a[i] ^= (k>>(8-j));
-	     c[0] = hashlittle(a, hlen, m);
-	    b[i] ^= ((k+1)<<j);
-	    b[i] ^= ((k+1)>>(8-j));
-	     d[0] = hashlittle(b, hlen, m);
-	    /* check every bit is 1, 0, set, and not set at least once */
-	    for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l)
-	    {
-	      e[l] &= (c[l]^d[l]);
-	      f[l] &= ~(c[l]^d[l]);
-	      g[l] &= c[l];
-	      h[l] &= ~c[l];
-	      x[l] &= d[l];
-	      y[l] &= ~d[l];
-	      if (e[l]|f[l]|g[l]|h[l]|x[l]|y[l]) finished=0;
-	    }
-	    if (finished) break;
-	  }
-	  if (k>z) z=k;
-	  if (k==MAXPAIR) 
-	  {
-	     printf("Some bit didn't change: ");
-	     printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x  ",
-	            e[0],f[0],g[0],h[0],x[0],y[0]);
-	     printf("i %d j %d m %d len %d\n", i, j, m, hlen);
-	  }
-	  if (z==MAXPAIR) goto done;
+		z=0;
+		for (i=0; i<hlen; ++i)  /*----------------------- for each input byte, */
+		{
+			for (j=0; j<8; ++j)   /*------------------------ for each input bit, */
+			{
+				for (m=1; m<8; ++m) /*------------ for serveral possible initvals, */
+				{
+					for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l)
+						e[l]=f[l]=g[l]=h[l]=x[l]=y[l]=~((uint32_t)0);
+					/*---- check that every output bit is affected by that input bit */
+					for (k=0; k<MAXPAIR; k+=2)
+					{
+						uint32_t finished=1;
+						/* keys have one bit different */
+						for (l=0; l<hlen+1; ++l) {a[l] = b[l] = (uint8_t)0;}
+						/* have a and b be two keys differing in only one bit */
+						a[i] ^= (k<<j);
+						a[i] ^= (k>>(8-j));
+						c[0] = hashlittle(a, hlen, m);
+						b[i] ^= ((k+1)<<j);
+						b[i] ^= ((k+1)>>(8-j));
+						d[0] = hashlittle(b, hlen, m);
+						/* check every bit is 1, 0, set, and not set at least once */
+						for (l=0; l<HASHSTATE; ++l)
+						{
+							e[l] &= (c[l]^d[l]);
+							f[l] &= ~(c[l]^d[l]);
+							g[l] &= c[l];
+							h[l] &= ~c[l];
+							x[l] &= d[l];
+							y[l] &= ~d[l];
+							if (e[l]|f[l]|g[l]|h[l]|x[l]|y[l]) finished=0;
+						}
+						if (finished) break;
+					}
+					if (k>z) z=k;
+					if (k==MAXPAIR)
+					{
+						printf("Some bit didn't change: ");
+						printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x  ",
+								e[0],f[0],g[0],h[0],x[0],y[0]);
+						printf("i %d j %d m %d len %d\n", i, j, m, hlen);
+					}
+					if (z==MAXPAIR) goto done;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (z < MAXPAIR)
+		{
+			printf("Mix success  %2d bytes  %2d initvals  ",i,m);
+			printf("required  %d  trials\n", z/2);
+		}
-      }
-    }
-   done:
-    if (z < MAXPAIR)
-    {
-      printf("Mix success  %2d bytes  %2d initvals  ",i,m);
-      printf("required  %d  trials\n", z/2);
-    }
-  }
-  printf("\n");
+	printf("\n");
 /* Check for reading beyond the end of the buffer and alignment problems */
 void driver3()
-  uint8_t buf[MAXLEN+20], *b;
-  uint32_t len;
-  uint8_t q[] = "This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
-  uint32_t h;
-  uint8_t qq[] = "xThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
-  uint32_t i;
-  uint8_t qqq[] = "xxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
-  uint32_t j;
-  uint8_t qqqq[] = "xxxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
-  uint32_t ref,x,y;
-  uint8_t *p;
-  printf("Endianness.  These lines should all be the same (for values filled in):\n");
-  printf("%.8x                            %.8x                            %.8x\n",
-         hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-1)/4, 13),
-         hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-5)/4, 13),
-         hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-9)/4, 13));
-  p = q;
-  printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
-  p = &qq[1];
-  printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
-  p = &qqq[2];
-  printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
-  p = &qqqq[3];
-  printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
-         hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
-  printf("\n");
-  /* check that hashlittle2 and hashlittle produce the same results */
-  i=47; j=0;
-  hashlittle2(q, sizeof(q), &i, &j);
-  if (hashlittle(q, sizeof(q), 47) != i)
-    printf("hashlittle2 and hashlittle mismatch\n");
-  /* check that hashword2 and hashword produce the same results */
-  len = 0xdeadbeef;
-  i=47, j=0;
-  hashword2(&len, 1, &i, &j);
-  if (hashword(&len, 1, 47) != i)
-    printf("hashword2 and hashword mismatch %x %x\n", 
-	   i, hashword(&len, 1, 47));
-  /* check hashlittle doesn't read before or after the ends of the string */
-  for (h=0, b=buf+1; h<8; ++h, ++b)
-  {
-    for (i=0; i<MAXLEN; ++i)
-    {
-      len = i;
-      for (j=0; j<i; ++j) *(b+j)=0;
-      /* these should all be equal */
-      ref = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
-      *(b+i)=(uint8_t)~0;
-      *(b-1)=(uint8_t)~0;
-      x = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
-      y = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
-      if ((ref != x) || (ref != y)) 
-      {
-	printf("alignment error: %.8x %.8x %.8x %d %d\n",ref,x,y,
-               h, i);
-      }
-    }
-  }
+	uint8_t buf[MAXLEN+20], *b;
+	uint32_t len;
+	uint8_t q[] = "This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
+	uint32_t h;
+	uint8_t qq[] = "xThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
+	uint32_t i;
+	uint8_t qqq[] = "xxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
+	uint32_t j;
+	uint8_t qqqq[] = "xxxThis is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country...";
+	uint32_t ref,x,y;
+	uint8_t *p;
+	printf("Endianness.  These lines should all be the same (for values filled in):\n");
+	printf("%.8x                            %.8x                            %.8x\n",
+			hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-1)/4, 13),
+			hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-5)/4, 13),
+			hashword((const uint32_t *)q, (sizeof(q)-9)/4, 13));
+	p = q;
+	printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
+	p = &qq[1];
+	printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
+	p = &qqq[2];
+	printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
+	p = &qqqq[3];
+	printf("%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n",
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-1, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-2, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-3, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-4, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-5, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-6, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-7, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-8, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-9, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-10, 13),
+			hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-11, 13), hashlittle(p, sizeof(q)-12, 13));
+	printf("\n");
+	/* check that hashlittle2 and hashlittle produce the same results */
+	i=47; j=0;
+	hashlittle2(q, sizeof(q), &i, &j);
+	if (hashlittle(q, sizeof(q), 47) != i)
+		printf("hashlittle2 and hashlittle mismatch\n");
+	/* check that hashword2 and hashword produce the same results */
+	len = 0xdeadbeef;
+	i=47, j=0;
+	hashword2(&len, 1, &i, &j);
+	if (hashword(&len, 1, 47) != i)
+		printf("hashword2 and hashword mismatch %x %x\n",
+				i, hashword(&len, 1, 47));
+	/* check hashlittle doesn't read before or after the ends of the string */
+	for (h=0, b=buf+1; h<8; ++h, ++b)
+	{
+		for (i=0; i<MAXLEN; ++i)
+		{
+			len = i;
+			for (j=0; j<i; ++j) *(b+j)=0;
+			/* these should all be equal */
+			ref = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
+			*(b+i)=(uint8_t)~0;
+			*(b-1)=(uint8_t)~0;
+			x = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
+			y = hashlittle(b, len, (uint32_t)1);
+			if ((ref != x) || (ref != y))
+			{
+				printf("alignment error: %.8x %.8x %.8x %d %d\n",ref,x,y,
+						h, i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 /* check for problems with nulls */
- void driver4()
+void driver4()
-  uint8_t buf[1];
-  uint32_t h,i,state[HASHSTATE];
-  buf[0] = ~0;
-  for (i=0; i<HASHSTATE; ++i) state[i] = 1;
-  printf("These should all be different\n");
-  for (i=0, h=0; i<8; ++i)
-  {
-    h = hashlittle(buf, 0, h);
-    printf("%2ld  0-byte strings, hash is  %.8x\n", i, h);
-  }
+	uint8_t buf[1];
+	uint32_t h,i,state[HASHSTATE];
+	buf[0] = ~0;
+	for (i=0; i<HASHSTATE; ++i) state[i] = 1;
+	printf("These should all be different\n");
+	for (i=0, h=0; i<8; ++i)
+	{
+		h = hashlittle(buf, 0, h);
+		printf("%2ld  0-byte strings, hash is  %.8x\n", i, h);
+	}
 void driver5()
-  uint32_t b,c;
-  b=0, c=0, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* deadbeef deadbeef */
-  b=0xdeadbeef, c=0, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* bd5b7dde deadbeef */
-  b=0xdeadbeef, c=0xdeadbeef, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* 9c093ccd bd5b7dde */
-  b=0, c=0, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* 17770551 ce7226e6 */
-  b=1, c=0, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* e3607cae bd371de4 */
-  b=0, c=1, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* cd628161 6cbea4b3 */
-  c = hashlittle("Four score and seven years ago", 30, 0);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx\n", c);   /* 17770551 */
-  c = hashlittle("Four score and seven years ago", 30, 1);
-  printf("hash is %.8lx\n", c);   /* cd628161 */
+	uint32_t b,c;
+	b=0, c=0, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* deadbeef deadbeef */
+	b=0xdeadbeef, c=0, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* bd5b7dde deadbeef */
+	b=0xdeadbeef, c=0xdeadbeef, hashlittle2("", 0, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* 9c093ccd bd5b7dde */
+	b=0, c=0, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* 17770551 ce7226e6 */
+	b=1, c=0, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* e3607cae bd371de4 */
+	b=0, c=1, hashlittle2("Four score and seven years ago", 30, &c, &b);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx %.8lx\n", c, b);   /* cd628161 6cbea4b3 */
+	c = hashlittle("Four score and seven years ago", 30, 0);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx\n", c);   /* 17770551 */
+	c = hashlittle("Four score and seven years ago", 30, 1);
+	printf("hash is %.8lx\n", c);   /* cd628161 */
 int main()
-  driver1();   /* test that the key is hashed: used for timings */
-  driver2();   /* test that whole key is hashed thoroughly */
-  driver3();   /* test that nothing but the key is hashed */
-  driver4();   /* test hashing multiple buffers (all buffers are null) */
-  driver5();   /* test the hash against known vectors */
-  return 1;
+	driver1();   /* test that the key is hashed: used for timings */
+	driver2();   /* test that whole key is hashed thoroughly */
+	driver3();   /* test that nothing but the key is hashed */
+	driver4();   /* test hashing multiple buffers (all buffers are null) */
+	driver5();   /* test the hash against known vectors */
+	return 1;
 #endif  /* SELF_TEST */
diff --git a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/mac.c b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/mac.c
index 76d1143a120418024782b94787633a6798de6e9b..6039f15685fb8abda4cc7b99e2eb855ddbd3c326 100644
--- a/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/mac.c
+++ b/package/gluon-ebtables-limit-arp/src/mac.c
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ int mac_aton(const char *cp, struct  mac_addr *mac)
 	memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
 	ret = sscanf(cp, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx",
-		     &m.storage[0], &m.storage[1], &m.storage[2],
-		     &m.storage[3], &m.storage[4], &m.storage[5]);
+			&m.storage[0], &m.storage[1], &m.storage[2],
+			&m.storage[3], &m.storage[4], &m.storage[5]);
 	if (ret != ETH_ALEN)
 		return 0;
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ char *mac_ntoa(struct mac_addr *mac)
 	unsigned char *m = mac->storage;
 	snprintf(mntoa_buf, sizeof(mntoa_buf),
-		 "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-		 m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
+			"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
+			m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
 	return mntoa_buf;
diff --git a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-neighbours.c b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-neighbours.c
index 344b8f697f1e612d21273df7a270790f831be674..5785e3584d75a225070b490cc2cb5db412469f02 100644
--- a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-neighbours.c
+++ b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-neighbours.c
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ static int parse_orig_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 	char mac1[18];
 	opts = batadv_container_of(query_opts, struct neigh_netlink_opts,
-				   query_opts);
+			query_opts);
 	if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, 0))
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ static int parse_orig_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (batadv_genl_missing_attrs(attrs, parse_orig_list_mandatory,
-				      BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(parse_orig_list_mandatory)))
+				BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(parse_orig_list_mandatory)))
 		return NL_OK;
 	orig = nla_data(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_ORIG_ADDRESS]);
diff --git a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-nodeinfo.c b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-nodeinfo.c
index 57ca8a19fa2761e5b816e84e103e26f0afd12384..8cef4e8bb3c7029ef9d92b77e9ce545f1b232f60 100644
--- a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-nodeinfo.c
+++ b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-nodeinfo.c
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static bool interface_file_exists(const char *ifname, const char *name) {
 static void mesh_add_subif(const char *ifname, struct json_object *wireless,
-			   struct json_object *tunnel, struct json_object *other) {
+		struct json_object *tunnel, struct json_object *other) {
 	struct json_object *address = gluonutil_wrap_and_free_string(gluonutil_get_interface_address(ifname));
 	/* In case of VLAN and bridge interfaces, we want the lower interface
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_mesh_subifs(const char *ifname) {
 		size_t i;
 		for (i = 0; i < lower.gl_pathc; i++) {
 			mesh_add_subif(lower.gl_pathv[i] + pattern_len - 1,
-				       wireless, tunnel, other);
+					wireless, tunnel, other);
diff --git a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-statistics.c b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-statistics.c
index cc4db719bcbcc89ab82ee3b120b3e11e5aab6ce4..28131fda26c4a65cf159b9b0a97aec5ca9f17415 100644
--- a/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-statistics.c
+++ b/package/gluon-mesh-batman-adv/src/respondd-statistics.c
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static int parse_gw_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 	char addr[18];
 	opts = batadv_container_of(query_opts, struct gw_netlink_opts,
-				   query_opts);
+			query_opts);
 	if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, 0))
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ static int parse_gw_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (batadv_genl_missing_attrs(attrs, gateways_mandatory,
-				      BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(gateways_mandatory)))
+				BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(gateways_mandatory)))
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (!attrs[BATADV_ATTR_FLAG_BEST])
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ static void add_gateway(struct json_object *obj) {
 	batadv_genl_query("bat0", BATADV_CMD_GET_GATEWAYS,
-			  parse_gw_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
-			  &opts.query_opts);
+			parse_gw_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
+			&opts.query_opts);
 static inline bool ethtool_ioctl(int fd, struct ifreq *ifr, void *data) {
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_traffic(void) {
 	json_object_object_add(ret, "mgmt_rx", mgmt_rx);
 	json_object_object_add(ret, "mgmt_tx", mgmt_tx);
- out:
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ static int parse_clients_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 	uint32_t flags, lastseen;
 	opts = batadv_container_of(query_opts, struct clients_netlink_opts,
-				   query_opts);
+			query_opts);
 	if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, 0))
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ static int parse_clients_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (batadv_genl_missing_attrs(attrs, clients_mandatory,
-				      BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(clients_mandatory)))
+				BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(clients_mandatory)))
 		return NL_OK;
 	flags = nla_get_u32(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_TT_FLAGS]);
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ static struct json_object * get_clients(void) {
 	batadv_genl_query("bat0", BATADV_CMD_GET_TRANSTABLE_LOCAL,
-			  parse_clients_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
-			  &opts.query_opts);
+			parse_clients_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
+			&opts.query_opts);
 	struct json_object *ret = json_object_new_object();
diff --git a/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd/src/respondd.c b/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd/src/respondd.c
index f48ae0c7b177b70abc66ddecb92d999820eff84b..a72372161ca0d9cbc0021cbbe4bc2b9dfb699826 100644
--- a/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd/src/respondd.c
+++ b/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd/src/respondd.c
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static bool get_peer_connection(struct json_object **ret, struct json_object *co
 	struct json_object *peer, *connection, *established;
 	if (!json_object_object_get_ex(peers, key, &peer) ||
-	    !json_object_object_get_ex(peer, "connection", &connection))
+			!json_object_object_get_ex(peer, "connection", &connection))
 		return false;
 	if (json_object_object_get_ex(connection, "established", &established)) {
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_peer_group(struct json_object *config, struct js
 	struct json_object *config_peers;
 	if (json_object_object_get_ex(config, "peers", &config_peers) &&
-	    json_object_is_type(config_peers, json_type_object)) {
+			json_object_is_type(config_peers, json_type_object)) {
 		struct json_object *ret_peers = json_object_new_object();
 		json_object_object_foreach(config_peers, peername, peerconfig) {
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_mesh_vpn(void) {
 	ret = get_peer_group(mesh_vpn_fastd, peers);
- end:
diff --git a/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard/src/respondd.c b/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard/src/respondd.c
index 5a46770cf2d959453091e8a07e08199109597899..55b3f8fb7074fee01f82b33f0d16b44c22b22e85 100644
--- a/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard/src/respondd.c
+++ b/package/gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard/src/respondd.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static struct json_object * stdout_read(const char *cmd, const char *skip, bool
 	if (oneword) {
 		for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 			if (isspace(line[i])) {
-				 line[i] = 0;
+				line[i] = 0;
diff --git a/package/gluon-neighbour-info/src/gluon-neighbour-info.c b/package/gluon-neighbour-info/src/gluon-neighbour-info.c
index 7ba5da00364c679c6b571371698f70bd83689950..12a51741c1f4d10030771344f87d0f1a6d79a3c7 100644
--- a/package/gluon-neighbour-info/src/gluon-neighbour-info.c
+++ b/package/gluon-neighbour-info/src/gluon-neighbour-info.c
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void resize_recvbuffer(char **recvbuffer, size_t *recvbuffer_len, size_t recvlen
 ssize_t recvtimeout(int socket, char **recvbuffer, size_t *recvbuffer_len,
-		    const struct timeval *timeout) {
+		const struct timeval *timeout) {
 	struct timeval now, timeout_left;
 	ssize_t recvlen;
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ ssize_t recvtimeout(int socket, char **recvbuffer, size_t *recvbuffer_len,
 int request(const int sock, char **recvbuffer, size_t *recvbuffer_len,
-	    const struct sockaddr_in6 *client_addr, const char *request,
-	    const char *sse, double timeout, unsigned int max_count) {
+		const struct sockaddr_in6 *client_addr, const char *request,
+		const char *sse, double timeout, unsigned int max_count) {
 	ssize_t ret;
 	unsigned int count = 0;
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 	do {
 		ret = request(sock, &recvbuffer, &recvbuffer_len, &client_addr,
-			      request_string, sse, timeout, max_count);
+				request_string, sse, timeout, max_count);
 	} while(loop);
 	if (sse)
diff --git a/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/gluon-radv-filterd.c b/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/gluon-radv-filterd.c
index 662f3fe9215362efb75b603fdf92d8380a83b011..f9f8fb877b016e0d18776fe494e20940e517df50 100644
--- a/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/gluon-radv-filterd.c
+++ b/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/gluon-radv-filterd.c
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
 #ifdef DEBUG
 #define CHECK(stmt) \
-    if(!(stmt)) { \
-        fprintf(stderr, "check failed: " #stmt "\n"); \
-        goto check_failed; \
-    }
+	if(!(stmt)) { \
+		fprintf(stderr, "check failed: " #stmt "\n"); \
+		goto check_failed; \
+	}
 #define DEBUG_MSG(msg, ...) fprintf(stderr, msg "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define CHECK(stmt) if(!(stmt)) goto check_failed;
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
 #define foreach_safe(item, safe, list) \
 	for ((item) = (list); \
-	     (item) && (((safe) = item->next) || 1); \
-	     (item) = (safe))
+			(item) && (((safe) = item->next) || 1); \
+			(item) = (safe))
 struct router {
 	struct router *next;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static struct global {
 static int fork_execvp_timeout(struct timespec *timeout, const char *file,
-			       const char *const argv[]);
+		const char *const argv[]);
 static void error_message(int status, int errnum, char *message, ...) {
 	va_list ap;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ static void error_message(int status, int errnum, char *message, ...) {
 static int timespec_diff(struct timespec *tv1, struct timespec *tv2,
-			 struct timespec *tvdiff)
+		struct timespec *tvdiff)
 	tvdiff->tv_sec = tv1->tv_sec - tv2->tv_sec;
 	if (tv1->tv_nsec < tv2->tv_nsec) {
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ static int init_packet_socket(unsigned int ifindex) {
 	struct sock_fprog radv_filter = {
-	    .len = ARRAY_SIZE(radv_filter_code),
-	    .filter = radv_filter_code,
+		.len = ARRAY_SIZE(radv_filter_code),
+		.filter = radv_filter_code,
 	int sock = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, htons(ETH_P_IPV6));
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ static void expire_routers(void) {
 static int parse_tt_global(struct nl_msg *msg,
-			   void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
+		void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
 	static const enum batadv_nl_attrs mandatory[] = {
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ static int parse_tt_global(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -428,14 +428,14 @@ static int parse_tt_global(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	DEBUG_MSG("Found originator for " F_MAC ", it's " F_MAC,
-		  F_MAC_VAR(router->src), F_MAC_VAR(mac_b));
+			F_MAC_VAR(router->src), F_MAC_VAR(mac_b));
 	router->originator = mac_b;
 	return NL_OK;
 static int parse_originator(struct nl_msg *msg,
-			    void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
+		void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
 	static const enum batadv_nl_attrs mandatory[] = {
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ static int parse_originator(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ static int parse_originator(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	DEBUG_MSG("Found TQ for router " F_MAC " (originator " F_MAC "), it's %d",
-		  F_MAC_VAR(router->src), F_MAC_VAR(router->originator), tq);
+			F_MAC_VAR(router->src), F_MAC_VAR(router->originator), tq);
 	router->tq = tq;
 	if (router->tq > G.max_tq)
 		G.max_tq = router->tq;
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ static int parse_originator(struct nl_msg *msg,
 static int parse_tt_local(struct nl_msg *msg,
-			  void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
+		void *arg __attribute__((unused)))
 	static const enum batadv_nl_attrs mandatory[] = {
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ static int parse_tt_local(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-		      genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy)) {
 		return NL_OK;
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ static int parse_tt_local(struct nl_msg *msg,
 		return NL_OK;
 	DEBUG_MSG("Found router " F_MAC " in transtable_local, assigning TQ %d",
-		  F_MAC_VAR(router->src), LOCAL_TQ);
+			F_MAC_VAR(router->src), LOCAL_TQ);
 	router->tq = LOCAL_TQ;
 	if (router->tq > G.max_tq)
 		G.max_tq = router->tq;
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
 		if (G.routers != NULL &&
-		    timespec_diff(&now, &next_update, &diff)) {
+				timespec_diff(&now, &next_update, &diff)) {
 			// all routers could have expired, check again
diff --git a/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/mac.h b/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/mac.h
index eece11054d0092d6627e5bb60dec0b6ace1be235..ac4fcda3646021947cbe67b378bf3b14747f8f53 100644
--- a/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/mac.h
+++ b/package/gluon-radv-filterd/src/mac.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	&(var).ether_addr_octet[2], &(var).ether_addr_octet[3], \
 	&(var).ether_addr_octet[4], &(var).ether_addr_octet[5]
 #define MAC2ETHER(_ether, _mac) memcpy((_ether).ether_addr_octet, \
-				       (_mac), ETH_ALEN)
+		(_mac), ETH_ALEN)
 #define ether_addr_equal(_a, _b) (memcmp((_a).ether_addr_octet, \
-					 (_b).ether_addr_octet, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
+			(_b).ether_addr_octet, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
diff --git a/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-neighbours.c b/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-neighbours.c
index 9a96b964b85678831047309270a28773ef02124d..f86dac454376779c6553e17c1fa81cca57649be7 100644
--- a/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-neighbours.c
+++ b/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-neighbours.c
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ static struct json_object * get_wifi_neighbours(const char *ifname) {
 		char mac[18];
 		snprintf(mac, sizeof(mac), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-			 entry->mac[0], entry->mac[1], entry->mac[2],
-			 entry->mac[3], entry->mac[4], entry->mac[5]);
+				entry->mac[0], entry->mac[1], entry->mac[2],
+				entry->mac[3], entry->mac[4], entry->mac[5]);
 		json_object_object_add(neighbours, mac, obj);
diff --git a/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-statistics.c b/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-statistics.c
index e21d7b4eddba23e8a288508af7fbf05f00d7add6..4dbe94378b2acd14ccd8907e1d8bbee1a1c1217e 100644
--- a/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-statistics.c
+++ b/package/gluon-respondd/src/respondd-statistics.c
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static struct json_object * get_stat(void) {
 		if (!strcmp(label, "cpu")) {
 			int64_t user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq;
 			if (sscanf(line, "%*s %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64" %"SCNd64,
-			          &user, &nice, &system, &idle, &iowait, &irq, &softirq) != 7)
+						&user, &nice, &system, &idle, &iowait, &irq, &softirq) != 7)
 				goto invalid_stat_format;
 			struct json_object *cpu = json_object_new_object();
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static void count_stations(size_t *wifi24, size_t *wifi5, size_t *owe24, size_t
 		count_iface_stations(wifi24, wifi5, ifname);
- end:
diff --git a/package/gluon-status-page-mesh-batman-adv/src/neighbours-batadv.c b/package/gluon-status-page-mesh-batman-adv/src/neighbours-batadv.c
index 9c2be2f7d56c0ef0971a7ed178785f3924150ecd..ae930548d90663933a6646b879eea484e8e1941a 100644
--- a/package/gluon-status-page-mesh-batman-adv/src/neighbours-batadv.c
+++ b/package/gluon-status-page-mesh-batman-adv/src/neighbours-batadv.c
@@ -10,116 +10,116 @@
 #define XSTR(x) STR(x)
 struct neigh_netlink_opts {
-  struct json_object *obj;
-  struct batadv_nlquery_opts query_opts;
+	struct json_object *obj;
+	struct batadv_nlquery_opts query_opts;
 static const enum batadv_nl_attrs parse_orig_list_mandatory[] = {
 static int parse_orig_list_netlink_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
-  struct nlattr *attrs[BATADV_ATTR_MAX+1];
-  struct nlmsghdr *nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg);
-  struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts = arg;
-  struct genlmsghdr *ghdr;
-  uint8_t *orig;
-  uint8_t *dest;
-  uint8_t tq;
-  uint32_t hardif;
-  char ifname_buf[IF_NAMESIZE], *ifname;
-  struct neigh_netlink_opts *opts;
-  char mac1[18];
+	struct nlattr *attrs[BATADV_ATTR_MAX+1];
+	struct nlmsghdr *nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg);
+	struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts = arg;
+	struct genlmsghdr *ghdr;
+	uint8_t *orig;
+	uint8_t *dest;
+	uint8_t tq;
+	uint32_t hardif;
+	char ifname_buf[IF_NAMESIZE], *ifname;
+	struct neigh_netlink_opts *opts;
+	char mac1[18];
-  opts = batadv_container_of(query_opts, struct neigh_netlink_opts, query_opts);
+	opts = batadv_container_of(query_opts, struct neigh_netlink_opts, query_opts);
-  if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, 0))
-    return NL_OK;
+	if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, 0))
+		return NL_OK;
-  ghdr = nlmsg_data(nlh);
+	ghdr = nlmsg_data(nlh);
-  if (ghdr->cmd != BATADV_CMD_GET_ORIGINATORS)
-    return NL_OK;
+	if (ghdr->cmd != BATADV_CMD_GET_ORIGINATORS)
+		return NL_OK;
-  if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
-        genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
-    return NL_OK;
+	if (nla_parse(attrs, BATADV_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, 0),
+				genlmsg_len(ghdr), batadv_genl_policy))
+		return NL_OK;
-  if (batadv_genl_missing_attrs(attrs, parse_orig_list_mandatory,
-	                        BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(parse_orig_list_mandatory)))
-    return NL_OK;
+	if (batadv_genl_missing_attrs(attrs, parse_orig_list_mandatory,
+				BATADV_ARRAY_SIZE(parse_orig_list_mandatory)))
+		return NL_OK;
-  orig = nla_data(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_ORIG_ADDRESS]);
-  dest = nla_data(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_NEIGH_ADDRESS]);
-  tq = nla_get_u8(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_TQ]);
-  hardif = nla_get_u32(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_HARD_IFINDEX]);
+	orig = nla_data(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_ORIG_ADDRESS]);
+	dest = nla_data(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_NEIGH_ADDRESS]);
+	tq = nla_get_u8(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_TQ]);
+	hardif = nla_get_u32(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_HARD_IFINDEX]);
-  if (memcmp(orig, dest, 6) != 0)
-    return NL_OK;
+	if (memcmp(orig, dest, 6) != 0)
+		return NL_OK;
-  ifname = if_indextoname(hardif, ifname_buf);
-  if (!ifname)
-    return NL_OK;
+	ifname = if_indextoname(hardif, ifname_buf);
+	if (!ifname)
+		return NL_OK;
-  sprintf(mac1, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-          orig[0], orig[1], orig[2], orig[3], orig[4], orig[5]);
+	sprintf(mac1, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
+			orig[0], orig[1], orig[2], orig[3], orig[4], orig[5]);
-  struct json_object *neigh = json_object_new_object();
-  if (!neigh)
-    return NL_OK;
+	struct json_object *neigh = json_object_new_object();
+	if (!neigh)
+		return NL_OK;
-  json_object_object_add(neigh, "tq", json_object_new_int(tq * 100 / 255));
-  json_object_object_add(neigh, "ifname", json_object_new_string(ifname));
-  json_object_object_add(neigh, "best", json_object_new_boolean(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_FLAG_BEST]));
+	json_object_object_add(neigh, "tq", json_object_new_int(tq * 100 / 255));
+	json_object_object_add(neigh, "ifname", json_object_new_string(ifname));
+	json_object_object_add(neigh, "best", json_object_new_boolean(attrs[BATADV_ATTR_FLAG_BEST]));
-  json_object_object_add(opts->obj, mac1, neigh);
+	json_object_object_add(opts->obj, mac1, neigh);
-  return NL_OK;
+	return NL_OK;
 static json_object *neighbours(void) {
-  struct neigh_netlink_opts opts = {
-    .query_opts = {
-      .err = 0,
-    },
-  };
-  int ret;
-  opts.obj = json_object_new_object();
-  if (!opts.obj)
-    return NULL;
-  ret = batadv_genl_query("bat0", BATADV_CMD_GET_ORIGINATORS,
-                          parse_orig_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
-                          &opts.query_opts);
-  if (ret < 0) {
-    json_object_put(opts.obj);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return opts.obj;
+	struct neigh_netlink_opts opts = {
+		.query_opts = {
+			.err = 0,
+		},
+	};
+	int ret;
+	opts.obj = json_object_new_object();
+	if (!opts.obj)
+		return NULL;
+	ret = batadv_genl_query("bat0", BATADV_CMD_GET_ORIGINATORS,
+			parse_orig_list_netlink_cb, NLM_F_DUMP,
+			&opts.query_opts);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		json_object_put(opts.obj);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return opts.obj;
 int main(void) {
-  struct json_object *obj;
-  printf("Content-type: text/event-stream\n\n");
-  fflush(stdout);
-  while (1) {
-    obj = neighbours();
-    if (obj) {
-      printf("data: %s\n\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN));
-      fflush(stdout);
-      json_object_put(obj);
-    }
-    sleep(10);
-  }
-  return 0;
+	struct json_object *obj;
+	printf("Content-type: text/event-stream\n\n");
+	fflush(stdout);
+	while (1) {
+		obj = neighbours();
+		if (obj) {
+			printf("data: %s\n\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN));
+			fflush(stdout);
+			json_object_put(obj);
+		}
+		sleep(10);
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/package/gluon-status-page/src/stations.c b/package/gluon-status-page/src/stations.c
index 24775a07f5b68c96b132f303cfdb00ce3a75e956..06a766e01ceb22f0fe5c7cfb6e1398a0923d8d90 100644
--- a/package/gluon-status-page/src/stations.c
+++ b/package/gluon-status-page/src/stations.c
@@ -12,115 +12,115 @@
 #define LOWERGLOB_SUFFIX "/lower_*"
 static struct json_object *get_stations(const struct iwinfo_ops *iw, const char *ifname) {
-  int len;
-  char buf[IWINFO_BUFSIZE];
-  struct json_object *stations = json_object_new_object();
+	int len;
+	char buf[IWINFO_BUFSIZE];
+	struct json_object *stations = json_object_new_object();
-  if (iw->assoclist(ifname, buf, &len) == -1)
-    return stations;
+	if (iw->assoclist(ifname, buf, &len) == -1)
+		return stations;
-  // This is just: for entry in assoclist(ifname)
-  for (struct iwinfo_assoclist_entry *entry = (struct iwinfo_assoclist_entry *)buf;
-      (char*)(entry+1) <= buf + len; entry++) {
-    struct json_object *station = json_object_new_object();
+	// This is just: for entry in assoclist(ifname)
+	for (struct iwinfo_assoclist_entry *entry = (struct iwinfo_assoclist_entry *)buf;
+			(char*)(entry+1) <= buf + len; entry++) {
+		struct json_object *station = json_object_new_object();
-    json_object_object_add(station, "signal", json_object_new_int(entry->signal));
-    json_object_object_add(station, "noise", json_object_new_int(entry->noise));
-    json_object_object_add(station, "inactive", json_object_new_int(entry->inactive));
+		json_object_object_add(station, "signal", json_object_new_int(entry->signal));
+		json_object_object_add(station, "noise", json_object_new_int(entry->noise));
+		json_object_object_add(station, "inactive", json_object_new_int(entry->inactive));
-    char macstr[18];
+		char macstr[18];
-    snprintf(macstr, sizeof(macstr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
-        entry->mac[0], entry->mac[1], entry->mac[2],
-        entry->mac[3], entry->mac[4], entry->mac[5]);
+		snprintf(macstr, sizeof(macstr), "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
+				entry->mac[0], entry->mac[1], entry->mac[2],
+				entry->mac[3], entry->mac[4], entry->mac[5]);
-    json_object_object_add(stations, macstr, station);
-  }
+		json_object_object_add(stations, macstr, station);
+	}
-  return stations;
+	return stations;
 static void badrequest() {
-  printf("Status: 400 Bad Request\n\n");
-  exit(1);
+	printf("Status: 400 Bad Request\n\n");
+	exit(1);
 // recurse down to the lowest layer-2 interface
 static int interface_get_lowest(const char *ifname, char *hwifname);
 static int interface_get_lowest(const char *ifname, char *hwifname) {
-  glob_t globbuf;
-  char *fnamebuf = alloca(1 + strlen(VIRTIF_PREFIX) + IF_NAMESIZE +
-                          strlen(LOWERGLOB_SUFFIX));
-  char *lowentry = NULL;
-  sprintf(fnamebuf, "%s%s%s", VIRTIF_PREFIX, ifname, LOWERGLOB_SUFFIX);
-  glob(fnamebuf, GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_NOESCAPE, NULL, &globbuf);
-  if (globbuf.gl_pathc == 1) {
-    lowentry = alloca(1 + strlen(globbuf.gl_pathv[0]));
-    strncpy(lowentry, globbuf.gl_pathv[0], 1 + strlen(globbuf.gl_pathv[0]));
-  }
-  globfree(&globbuf);
-  if (!lowentry) {
-    char *path = alloca(1 + strlen(NETIF_PREFIX) + strlen(ifname));
-    sprintf(path, "%s%s", NETIF_PREFIX, ifname);
-    if(access(path, F_OK) != 0)
-      return false;
-    strncpy(hwifname, ifname, IF_NAMESIZE - 1);
-    return true;
-  } else {
-    char buf[PATH_MAX];
-    ssize_t len;
-    if ((len = readlink(lowentry, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) != -1)
-      buf[len] = '\0';
-    else
-      return false;
-    if (strncmp(buf, "../", 3) == 0) {
-      return interface_get_lowest(strrchr(buf, '/') + 1, hwifname);
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
+	glob_t globbuf;
+	char *fnamebuf = alloca(1 + strlen(VIRTIF_PREFIX) + IF_NAMESIZE +
+			strlen(LOWERGLOB_SUFFIX));
+	char *lowentry = NULL;
+	sprintf(fnamebuf, "%s%s%s", VIRTIF_PREFIX, ifname, LOWERGLOB_SUFFIX);
+	glob(fnamebuf, GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_NOESCAPE, NULL, &globbuf);
+	if (globbuf.gl_pathc == 1) {
+		lowentry = alloca(1 + strlen(globbuf.gl_pathv[0]));
+		strncpy(lowentry, globbuf.gl_pathv[0], 1 + strlen(globbuf.gl_pathv[0]));
+	}
+	globfree(&globbuf);
+	if (!lowentry) {
+		char *path = alloca(1 + strlen(NETIF_PREFIX) + strlen(ifname));
+		sprintf(path, "%s%s", NETIF_PREFIX, ifname);
+		if(access(path, F_OK) != 0)
+			return false;
+		strncpy(hwifname, ifname, IF_NAMESIZE - 1);
+		return true;
+	} else {
+		char buf[PATH_MAX];
+		ssize_t len;
+		if ((len = readlink(lowentry, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) != -1)
+			buf[len] = '\0';
+		else
+			return false;
+		if (strncmp(buf, "../", 3) == 0) {
+			return interface_get_lowest(strrchr(buf, '/') + 1, hwifname);
+		} else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  if (argc != 2)
-    badrequest();
+	if (argc != 2)
+		badrequest();
-  const char *ifname = argv[1];
-  char hwifname[IF_NAMESIZE] = "";
+	const char *ifname = argv[1];
+	char hwifname[IF_NAMESIZE] = "";
-  if (strlen(ifname) >= IF_NAMESIZE)
-    badrequest();
+	if (strlen(ifname) >= IF_NAMESIZE)
+		badrequest();
-  if (strcspn(ifname, "/\\[]{}*?") != strlen(ifname))
-    badrequest();
+	if (strcspn(ifname, "/\\[]{}*?") != strlen(ifname))
+		badrequest();
-  if (!interface_get_lowest(ifname, hwifname))
-    badrequest();
+	if (!interface_get_lowest(ifname, hwifname))
+		badrequest();
-  const struct iwinfo_ops *iw = iwinfo_backend(hwifname);
+	const struct iwinfo_ops *iw = iwinfo_backend(hwifname);
-  if (iw == NULL)
-    badrequest();
+	if (iw == NULL)
+		badrequest();
-  printf("Content-type: text/event-stream\n\n");
+	printf("Content-type: text/event-stream\n\n");
-  while (true) {
-    struct json_object *obj;
-    obj = get_stations(iw, hwifname);
-    printf("data: %s\n\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN));
-    fflush(stdout);
-    json_object_put(obj);
-    usleep(150000);
-  }
+	while (true) {
+		struct json_object *obj;
+		obj = get_stations(iw, hwifname);
+		printf("data: %s\n\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN));
+		fflush(stdout);
+		json_object_put(obj);
+		usleep(150000);
+	}
-  return 0;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/src/template_lmo.c b/package/gluon-web/src/template_lmo.c
index 062497b306b5fbb32ea4d3b346942966cca75660..d7b442a715fedd7576ac00fc23a8da5f1957104f 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/src/template_lmo.c
+++ b/package/gluon-web/src/template_lmo.c
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ static inline uint16_t get_le16(const void *data) {
 static inline uint32_t get_be32(const void *data) {
 	const uint8_t *d = data;
 	return (((uint32_t)d[0]) << 24)
-	     | (((uint32_t)d[1]) << 16)
-	     | (((uint32_t)d[2]) << 8)
-	     | d[3];
+		| (((uint32_t)d[1]) << 16)
+		| (((uint32_t)d[2]) << 8)
+		| d[3];
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/src/template_lualib.c b/package/gluon-web/src/template_lualib.c
index 308011f9fb7e5679a4ece71e7a2353af11e814e0..819de3794a14e320cdfd68c7572aae28d6ed65d2 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/src/template_lualib.c
+++ b/package/gluon-web/src/template_lualib.c
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ static int template_L_load_catalog(lua_State *L)
 		return 0;
-        luaL_getmetatable(L, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
-        lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+	luaL_getmetatable(L, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
+	lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
 	return 1;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static int template_L_load_catalog(lua_State *L)
 static int template_catalog_call(lua_State *L)
 	size_t inlen, outlen;
-        lmo_catalog_t *cat = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
+	lmo_catalog_t *cat = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
 	const char *in = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &inlen), *out;
 	if (!lmo_translate(cat, in, inlen, &out, &outlen))
 		return 0;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static int template_catalog_call(lua_State *L)
 static int template_catalog_gc(lua_State *L)
-        lmo_catalog_t *cat = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
+	lmo_catalog_t *cat = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, TEMPLATE_CATALOG);
 	return 0;
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ static const luaL_reg R[] = {
 static const luaL_reg template_catalog_methods[] = {
-        { "__call", template_catalog_call },
-        { "__gc", template_catalog_gc },
+	{ "__call", template_catalog_call },
+	{ "__gc", template_catalog_gc },
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/src/template_parser.c b/package/gluon-web/src/template_parser.c
index d71afe7273728b128cd09ee8c7d2e1ac30df3e96..84f053ae0202b5ff550342306f0e3e032dd8d2dd 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/src/template_parser.c
+++ b/package/gluon-web/src/template_parser.c
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ int template_error(lua_State *L, struct template_parser *parser)
 	snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Syntax error in %s:%d: %s",
-			 parser->file ?: "[string]", line + chunkline, err ?: "(unknown error)");
+			parser->file ?: "[string]", line + chunkline, err ?: "(unknown error)");
 	lua_pushinteger(L, line + chunkline);
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c b/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
index c07eab521653c4a4fe8c3e9c2d0318271181c2c0..d2d9d79e122e1de1947cebaf8b989ec5dc7d5a25 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
+++ b/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
@@ -130,37 +130,37 @@ static inline bool mb_is_shortest(const unsigned char *s, size_t n)
 		case 2:
 			/* 1100000x (10xxxxxx) */
 			return !(((*s >> 1) == 0x60) &&
-					 ((*(s+1) >> 6) == 0x02));
+				((*(s+1) >> 6) == 0x02));
 		case 3:
 			/* 11100000 100xxxxx (10xxxxxx) */
 			return !((*s == 0xE0) &&
-					 ((*(s+1) >> 5) == 0x04) &&
-					 ((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02));
+				((*(s+1) >> 5) == 0x04) &&
+				((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02));
 		case 4:
 			/* 11110000 1000xxxx (10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx) */
 			return !((*s == 0xF0) &&
-					 ((*(s+1) >> 4) == 0x08) &&
-					 ((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02));
+				((*(s+1) >> 4) == 0x08) &&
+				((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02));
 		case 5:
 			/* 11111000 10000xxx (10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx) */
 			return !((*s == 0xF8) &&
-					 ((*(s+1) >> 3) == 0x10) &&
-					 ((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+4) >> 6) == 0x02));
+				((*(s+1) >> 3) == 0x10) &&
+				((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+4) >> 6) == 0x02));
 		case 6:
 			/* 11111100 100000xx (10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx) */
 			return !((*s == 0xF8) &&
-					 ((*(s+1) >> 2) == 0x20) &&
-					 ((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+4) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
-					 ((*(s+5) >> 6) == 0x02));
+				((*(s+1) >> 2) == 0x20) &&
+				((*(s+2) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+3) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+4) >> 6) == 0x02) &&
+				((*(s+5) >> 6) == 0x02));
 	return true;
@@ -270,18 +270,18 @@ bool pcdata(const char *s, size_t l, char **out, size_t *outl)
 	for (o = 0; o < l; o++)	{
 		/* Invalid XML bytes */
 		if ((*ptr <= 0x08) ||
-		    ((*ptr >= 0x0B) && (*ptr <= 0x0C)) ||
-		    ((*ptr >= 0x0E) && (*ptr <= 0x1F)) ||
-		    (*ptr == 0x7F)) {
+		((*ptr >= 0x0B) && (*ptr <= 0x0C)) ||
+		((*ptr >= 0x0E) && (*ptr <= 0x1F)) ||
+		(*ptr == 0x7F)) {
 		/* Escapes */
 		else if ((*ptr == '\'') ||
-		         (*ptr == '"') ||
-		         (*ptr == '&') ||
-		         (*ptr == '<') ||
-		         (*ptr == '>')) {
+		(*ptr == '"') ||
+		(*ptr == '&') ||
+		(*ptr == '<') ||
+		(*ptr == '>')) {
 			esl = snprintf(esq, sizeof(esq), "&#%i;", *ptr);
 			if (!buf_append(buf, esq, esl))
diff --git a/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.c b/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.c
index 887019b8b95371a3308476ffaedcd653b97b99b2..12ea67914528a4758e49aa1912786029f8a43eb4 100644
--- a/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.c
+++ b/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.c
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ struct nla_policy batadv_genl_policy[NUM_BATADV_ATTR] = {
 	[BATADV_ATTR_MESH_IFINDEX]	= { .type = NLA_U32 },
-					    .maxlen = IFNAMSIZ },
+		.maxlen = IFNAMSIZ },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_HARD_IFINDEX]	= { .type = NLA_U32 },
-					    .maxlen = IFNAMSIZ },
+		.maxlen = IFNAMSIZ },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_TPMETER_BYTES]	= { .type = NLA_U64 },
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ struct nla_policy batadv_genl_policy[NUM_BATADV_ATTR] = {
 	[BATADV_ATTR_PAD]		= { .type = NLA_UNSPEC },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_ACTIVE]		= { .type = NLA_FLAG },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_TT_TTVN]		= { .type = NLA_U8 },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_TT_LAST_TTVN]	= { .type = NLA_U8 },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_TT_CRC32]		= { .type = NLA_U32 },
@@ -75,23 +75,23 @@ struct nla_policy batadv_genl_policy[NUM_BATADV_ATTR] = {
 	[BATADV_ATTR_FLAG_BEST]		= { .type = NLA_FLAG },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_LAST_SEEN_MSECS]	= { .type = NLA_U32 },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_TQ]		= { .type = NLA_U8 },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_THROUGHPUT]	= { .type = NLA_U32 },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_BANDWIDTH_UP]	= { .type = NLA_U32 },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_BLA_OWN]		= { .type = NLA_FLAG },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_BLA_VID]		= { .type = NLA_U16 },
-					    .minlen = ETH_ALEN,
-					    .maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
+		.minlen = ETH_ALEN,
+		.maxlen = ETH_ALEN },
 	[BATADV_ATTR_BLA_CRC]		= { .type = NLA_U16 },
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct nla_policy batadv_genl_policy[NUM_BATADV_ATTR] = {
  * Return: Always NL_STOP
 static int nlquery_error_cb(struct sockaddr_nl *nla __attribute__((unused)),
-			    struct nlmsgerr *nlerr, void *arg)
+		struct nlmsgerr *nlerr, void *arg)
 	struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts = arg;
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ static int nlquery_stop_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
 int batadv_genl_query(const char *mesh_iface, enum batadv_nl_commands nl_cmd,
-		      nl_recvmsg_msg_cb_t callback, int flags,
-		      struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts)
+		nl_recvmsg_msg_cb_t callback, int flags,
+		struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts)
 	struct nl_sock *sock;
 	struct nl_msg *msg;
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ int batadv_genl_query(const char *mesh_iface, enum batadv_nl_commands nl_cmd,
 	genlmsg_put(msg, NL_AUTO_PID, NL_AUTO_SEQ, family, 0, flags,
-		    nl_cmd, 1);
+			nl_cmd, 1);
 	nla_put_u32(msg, BATADV_ATTR_MESH_IFINDEX, ifindex);
 	nl_send_auto_complete(sock, msg);
diff --git a/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.h b/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.h
index 1643d493d2e5fa53c7b9f6a0c5b4d0b2c2ee86ae..d9912fb65b515eae3ab280e8ea615a5d6807b573 100644
--- a/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.h
+++ b/package/libbatadv/src/batadv-genl.h
@@ -79,10 +79,8 @@ struct batadv_nlquery_opts {
  * Return: Return true when a attribute is missing, false otherwise
-static inline bool
-batadv_genl_missing_attrs(struct nlattr *attrs[],
-			  const enum batadv_nl_attrs mandatory[], size_t num)
+static inline bool batadv_genl_missing_attrs(struct nlattr *attrs[],
+		const enum batadv_nl_attrs mandatory[], size_t num) {
 	size_t i;
 	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ batadv_genl_missing_attrs(struct nlattr *attrs[],
 extern struct nla_policy batadv_genl_policy[];
 int batadv_genl_query(const char *mesh_iface, enum batadv_nl_commands nl_cmd,
-		      nl_recvmsg_msg_cb_t callback, int flags,
-		      struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts);
+		nl_recvmsg_msg_cb_t callback, int flags,
+		struct batadv_nlquery_opts *query_opts);
 #endif /* _BATADV_GENL_H_ */