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  • chrissi^'s avatar
    gluon-mesh-batman-adv: Do not add local-if to respondd · 6f2c8f13
    chrissi^ authored
    If there are local services running on an interface that sits on top of bat0
    these interfaces may be added to the translocal batman-table. Contrary
    to the bat0-interface itself this entries are not marked with the
    TT_CLIENT_NOPURGE -flag and are thus added to the client-count reported by
    respondd. In this case the client-count reported is one too high.
    This change adds an additional check to the function doing the actual
    counting. This check makes sure that no local interface is counted as a
    Since respondd only collects data in an interval of minutes (depending
    on the site's configuration) the additional costs for this check should
    be negligible.