diff --git a/docs/site-example/site.mk b/docs/site-example/site.mk
index de8a562a92ed300bb046d4f27ddfcd26c8fd81a0..9f729890ad04ab10780f095f0a9254d1c5870a3c 100644
--- a/docs/site-example/site.mk
+++ b/docs/site-example/site.mk
 # Default priority for updates.
+# Region code required for some images; supported values: us eu
 # Languages to include
 GLUON_LANGS ?= en de
diff --git a/docs/user/site.rst b/docs/user/site.rst
index 616a074d8942acaa41dca45876fe5c98c3c836f0..9349a1a55232e448179ce9087eff6bb4199711cb 100644
--- a/docs/user/site.rst
+++ b/docs/user/site.rst
@@ -334,6 +334,10 @@ GLUON_PRIORITY
     The default priority for the generated manifests (see the autoupdater documentation
     for more information).
+    Region code to build into images where necessary. Valid values are the empty string,
+    ``us`` and ``eu``.
     List of languages (as two-letter-codes) to be included in the web interface. Should always contain
diff --git a/patches/openwrt/0121-firmware-utils-mktplinkfw-backport-from-LEDE-a4fc62bc0ea4010ddbfbd738453c9db70988a57c.patch b/patches/openwrt/0121-firmware-utils-mktplinkfw-backport-from-LEDE-a4fc62bc0ea4010ddbfbd738453c9db70988a57c.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9211d22b57c890d7cc4dadd6b2ae0299537ccbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/openwrt/0121-firmware-utils-mktplinkfw-backport-from-LEDE-a4fc62bc0ea4010ddbfbd738453c9db70988a57c.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+From: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>
+Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2016 20:20:35 +0200
+Subject: firmware-utils: mktplinkfw: backport from LEDE a4fc62bc0ea4010ddbfbd738453c9db70988a57c
+diff --git a/tools/firmware-utils/Makefile b/tools/firmware-utils/Makefile
+index 0397845..aee8e87 100644
+--- a/tools/firmware-utils/Makefile
++++ b/tools/firmware-utils/Makefile
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ define Host/Compile
+ 	$(call cc,encode_crc)
+ 	$(call cc,nand_ecc)
+ 	$(call cc,mkplanexfw sha1)
+-	$(call cc,mktplinkfw md5)
++	$(call cc,mktplinkfw md5, -Wall)
+ 	$(call cc,mktplinkfw2 md5)
+ 	$(call cc,tplink-safeloader md5, -Wall)
+ 	$(call cc,pc1crypt)
+diff --git a/tools/firmware-utils/src/mktplinkfw.c b/tools/firmware-utils/src/mktplinkfw.c
+index 9785a3f..34e6546 100644
+--- a/tools/firmware-utils/src/mktplinkfw.c
++++ b/tools/firmware-utils/src/mktplinkfw.c
+@@ -28,53 +28,10 @@
+ #include "md5.h"
+ #define ALIGN(x,a) ({ typeof(a) __a = (a); (((x) + __a - 1) & ~(__a - 1)); })
++#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof((a)) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+ #define HEADER_VERSION_V1	0x01000000
+-#define HWID_ANTMINER_S1	0x04440101
+-#define HWID_ANTMINER_S3	0x04440301
+-#define HWID_GL_INET_V1		0x08000001
+-#define HWID_GS_OOLITE_V1	0x3C000101
+-#define HWID_ONION_OMEGA	0x04700001
+-#define HWID_TL_MR10U_V1	0x00100101
+-#define HWID_TL_MR13U_V1	0x00130101
+-#define HWID_TL_MR3020_V1	0x30200001
+-#define HWID_TL_MR3220_V1	0x32200001
+-#define HWID_TL_MR3220_V2	0x32200002
+-#define HWID_TL_MR3420_V1	0x34200001
+-#define HWID_TL_MR3420_V2	0x34200002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA701N_V1	0x07010001
+-#define HWID_TL_WA701N_V2	0x07010002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA7210N_V2	0x72100002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA7510N_V1	0x75100001
+-#define HWID_TL_WA801ND_V1	0x08010001
+-#define HWID_TL_WA830RE_V1	0x08300010
+-#define HWID_TL_WA830RE_V2	0x08300002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA801ND_V2	0x08010002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA801ND_V3	0x08010003
+-#define HWID_TL_WA901ND_V1	0x09010001
+-#define HWID_TL_WA901ND_V2	0x09010002
+-#define HWID_TL_WA901ND_V4	0x09010004
+-#define HWID_TL_WDR4300_V1_IL	0x43008001
+-#define HWID_TL_WDR4900_V1	0x49000001
+-#define HWID_TL_WR703N_V1	0x07030101
+-#define HWID_TL_WR720N_V3	0x07200103
+-#define HWID_TL_WR720N_V4	0x07200104
+-#define HWID_TL_WR741ND_V1	0x07410001
+-#define HWID_TL_WR741ND_V4	0x07410004
+-#define HWID_TL_WR740N_V1	0x07400001
+-#define HWID_TL_WR740N_V3	0x07400003
+-#define HWID_TL_WR743ND_V1	0x07430001
+-#define HWID_TL_WR743ND_V2	0x07430002
+-#define HWID_TL_WR841N_V1_5	0x08410002
+-#define HWID_TL_WR841ND_V3	0x08410003
+-#define HWID_TL_WR841ND_V5	0x08410005
+-#define HWID_TL_WR841ND_V7	0x08410007
+-#define HWID_TL_WR941ND_V2	0x09410002
+-#define HWID_TL_WR941ND_V4	0x09410004
+-#define HWID_TL_WR1043ND_V1	0x10430001
+-#define HWID_TL_WR1043ND_V2	0x10430002
+-#define HWID_TL_WR1041N_V2	0x10410002
+-#define HWID_TL_WR2543N_V1	0x25430001
++#define HEADER_VERSION_V2	0x02000000
+ #define MD5SUM_LEN	16
+@@ -89,7 +46,7 @@ struct fw_header {
+ 	char		fw_version[36];
+ 	uint32_t	hw_id;		/* hardware id */
+ 	uint32_t	hw_rev;		/* hardware revision */
+-	uint32_t	unk1;
++	uint32_t	region_code;	/* region code */
+ 	uint8_t		md5sum1[MD5SUM_LEN];
+ 	uint32_t	unk2;
+ 	uint8_t		md5sum2[MD5SUM_LEN];
+@@ -106,7 +63,10 @@ struct fw_header {
+ 	uint16_t	ver_hi;
+ 	uint16_t	ver_mid;
+ 	uint16_t	ver_lo;
+-	uint8_t		pad[354];
++	uint8_t		pad[130];
++	char		region_str1[32];
++	char		region_str2[32];
++	uint8_t		pad2[160];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed));
+ struct flash_layout {
+@@ -117,13 +77,12 @@ struct flash_layout {
+ 	uint32_t	rootfs_ofs;
+ };
+-struct board_info {
+-	char		*id;
+-	uint32_t	hw_id;
+-	uint32_t	hw_rev;
+-	char		*layout_id;
++struct fw_region {
++	char		name[4];
++	uint32_t	code;
+ };
+ /*
+  * Globals
+  */
+@@ -132,15 +91,17 @@ static char *progname;
+ static char *vendor = "TP-LINK Technologies";
+ static char *version = "ver. 1.0";
+ static char *fw_ver = "0.0.0";
++static uint32_t hdr_ver = HEADER_VERSION_V1;
+-static char *board_id;
+-static struct board_info *board;
+ static char *layout_id;
+ static struct flash_layout *layout;
+ static char *opt_hw_id;
+ static uint32_t hw_id;
+ static char *opt_hw_rev;
+ static uint32_t hw_rev;
++static uint32_t opt_hdr_ver = 1;
++static char *country;
++static const struct fw_region *region;
+ static int fw_ver_lo;
+ static int fw_ver_mid;
+ static int fw_ver_hi;
+@@ -163,12 +124,12 @@ static uint32_t reserved_space;
+ static struct file_info inspect_info;
+ static int extract = 0;
+-char md5salt_normal[MD5SUM_LEN] = {
++static const char md5salt_normal[MD5SUM_LEN] = {
+ 	0xdc, 0xd7, 0x3a, 0xa5, 0xc3, 0x95, 0x98, 0xfb,
+ 	0xdd, 0xf9, 0xe7, 0xf4, 0x0e, 0xae, 0x47, 0x38,
+ };
+-char md5salt_boot[MD5SUM_LEN] = {
++static const char md5salt_boot[MD5SUM_LEN] = {
+ 	0x8c, 0xef, 0x33, 0x5b, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0xce, 0xfa,
+ 	0xa7, 0x9c, 0x28, 0xda, 0xb2, 0xe9, 0x0f, 0x42,
+ };
+@@ -213,7 +174,7 @@ static struct flash_layout layouts[] = {
+ 	}, {
+ 		.id		= "16Mppc",
+ 		.fw_max_len	= 0xf80000,
+-		.kernel_la	= 0x00000000,
++		.kernel_la	= 0x00000000 ,
+ 		.kernel_ep	= 0xc0000000,
+ 		.rootfs_ofs	= 0x2a0000,
+ 	}, {
+@@ -221,235 +182,10 @@ static struct flash_layout layouts[] = {
+ 	}
+ };
+-static struct board_info boards[] = {
+-	{
+-		.id		= "TL-MR10Uv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR10U_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR13Uv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR13U_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR3020v1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR3020_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR3220v1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR3220_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR3220v2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR3220_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR3420v1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR3420_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-MR3420v2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_MR3420_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA701Nv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA701N_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA701Nv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA701N_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA7210N",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA7210N_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 2,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA7510N",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA7510N_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA801NDv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA801ND_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA830REv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA830RE_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA830REv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA830RE_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id             = "TL-WA801NDv2",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WA801ND_V2,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	},{
+-		.id							= "TL-WA801NDv3",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WA801ND_V3,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id  = "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WA901NDv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WA901ND_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id             = "TL-WA901NDv2",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WA901ND_V2,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id             = "TL-WA901NDv4",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WA901ND_V4,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id             = "TL-WDR4300v1",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WDR4300_V1_IL,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id             = "TL-WDR4900v1",
+-		.hw_id          = HWID_TL_WDR4900_V1,
+-		.hw_rev         = 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "16Mppc",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR741NDv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR741ND_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR741NDv4",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR741ND_V4,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR740Nv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR740N_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR740Nv3",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR740N_V3,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR743NDv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR743ND_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR743NDv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR743ND_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR841Nv1.5",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR841N_V1_5,
+-		.hw_rev		= 2,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR841NDv3",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR841ND_V3,
+-		.hw_rev		= 3,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR841NDv5",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR841ND_V5,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR841NDv7",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR841ND_V7,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR941NDv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR941ND_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 2,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR941NDv4",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR941ND_V4,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR1041Nv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR1041N_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR1043NDv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR1043ND_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8M",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR1043NDv2",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR1043ND_V2,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR2543Nv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR2543N_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR703Nv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR703N_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR720Nv3",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR720N_V3,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "TL-WR720Nv4",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_TL_WR720N_V4,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "4Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "GL-INETv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_GL_INET_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "GS-OOLITEv1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_GS_OOLITE_V1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "16Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "ONION-OMEGA",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_ONION_OMEGA,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "16Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "ANTMINER-S1",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_ANTMINER_S1,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		.id		= "ANTMINER-S3",
+-		.hw_id		= HWID_ANTMINER_S3,
+-		.hw_rev		= 1,
+-		.layout_id	= "8Mlzma",
+-	}, {
+-		/* terminating entry */
+-	}
++static const struct fw_region regions[] = {
++	/* Default region (universal) uses code 0 as well */
++	{"US", 1},
++	{"EU", 0},
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -464,7 +200,7 @@ static struct board_info boards[] = {
+ #define ERRS(fmt, ...) do { \
+ 	int save = errno; \
+ 	fflush(0); \
+-	fprintf(stderr, "[%s] *** error: " fmt "\n", \
++	fprintf(stderr, "[%s] *** error: " fmt ": %s\n", \
+ 			progname, ## __VA_ARGS__, strerror(save)); \
+ } while (0)
+@@ -472,35 +208,7 @@ static struct board_info boards[] = {
+ 	fprintf(stderr, "[%s] " fmt "\n", progname, ## __VA_ARGS__ ); \
+ } while (0)
+-static struct board_info *find_board(char *id)
+-	struct board_info *ret;
+-	struct board_info *board;
+-	ret = NULL;
+-	for (board = boards; board->id != NULL; board++){
+-		if (strcasecmp(id, board->id) == 0) {
+-			ret = board;
+-			break;
+-		}
+-	};
+-	return ret;
+-static struct board_info *find_board_by_hwid(uint32_t hw_id)
+-	struct board_info *board;
+-	for (board = boards; board->id != NULL; board++) {
+-		if (hw_id == board->hw_id)
+-			return board;
+-	};
+-	return NULL;
+-static struct flash_layout *find_layout(char *id)
++static struct flash_layout *find_layout(const char *id)
+ {
+ 	struct flash_layout *ret;
+ 	struct flash_layout *l;
+@@ -516,21 +224,29 @@ static struct flash_layout *find_layout(char *id)
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static const struct fw_region * find_region(const char *country) {
++	size_t i;
++	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regions); i++) {
++		if (strcasecmp(regions[i].name, country) == 0)
++			return &regions[i];
++	}
++	return NULL;
+ static void usage(int status)
+ {
+-	FILE *stream = (status != EXIT_SUCCESS) ? stderr : stdout;
+-	struct board_info *board;
+-	fprintf(stream, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS...]\n", progname);
+-	fprintf(stream,
++	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS...]\n", progname);
++	fprintf(stderr,
+ "\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+-"  -B <board>      create image for the board specified with <board>\n"
+ "  -c              use combined kernel image\n"
+ "  -E <ep>         overwrite kernel entry point with <ep> (hexval prefixed with 0x)\n"
+ "  -L <la>         overwrite kernel load address with <la> (hexval prefixed with 0x)\n"
+ "  -H <hwid>       use hardware id specified with <hwid>\n"
+ "  -W <hwrev>      use hardware revision specified with <hwrev>\n"
++"  -C <country>    set region code to <country>\n"
+ "  -F <id>         use flash layout specified with <id>\n"
+ "  -k <file>       read kernel image from the file <file>\n"
+ "  -r <file>       read rootfs image from the file <file>\n"
+@@ -543,6 +259,7 @@ static void usage(int status)
+ "  -N <vendor>     set image vendor to <vendor>\n"
+ "  -V <version>    set image version to <version>\n"
+ "  -v <version>    set firmware version to <version>\n"
++"  -m <version>    set header version to <version>\n"
+ "  -i <file>       inspect given firmware file <file>\n"
+ "  -x              extract kernel and rootfs while inspecting (requires -i)\n"
+ "  -X <size>       reserve <size> bytes in the firmware image (hexval prefixed with 0x)\n"
+@@ -552,7 +269,7 @@ static void usage(int status)
+ 	exit(status);
+ }
+-static int get_md5(char *data, int size, char *md5)
++static void get_md5(const char *data, int size, uint8_t *md5)
+ {
+ 	MD5_CTX ctx;
+@@ -579,7 +296,7 @@ static int get_file_stat(struct file_info *fdata)
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-static int read_to_buf(struct file_info *fdata, char *buf)
++static int read_to_buf(const struct file_info *fdata, char *buf)
+ {
+ 	FILE *f;
+ 	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+@@ -608,6 +325,7 @@ static int read_to_buf(struct file_info *fdata, char *buf)
+ static int check_options(void)
+ {
+ 	int ret;
++	int exceed_bytes;
+ 	if (inspect_info.file_name) {
+ 		ret = get_file_stat(&inspect_info);
+@@ -620,33 +338,28 @@ static int check_options(void)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
+-	if (board_id == NULL && opt_hw_id == NULL) {
+-		ERR("either board or hardware id must be specified");
++	if (opt_hw_id == NULL) {
++		ERR("hardware id not specified");
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
++	hw_id = strtoul(opt_hw_id, NULL, 0);
+-	if (board_id) {
+-		board = find_board(board_id);
+-		if (board == NULL) {
+-			ERR("unknown/unsupported board id \"%s\"", board_id);
+-			return -1;
+-		}
+-		if (layout_id == NULL)
+-			layout_id = board->layout_id;
++	if (layout_id == NULL) {
++		ERR("flash layout is not specified");
++		return -1;
++	}
+-		hw_id = board->hw_id;
+-		hw_rev = board->hw_rev;
+-	} else {
+-		if (layout_id == NULL) {
+-			ERR("flash layout is not specified");
++	if (opt_hw_rev)
++		hw_rev = strtoul(opt_hw_rev, NULL, 0);
++	else
++		hw_rev = 1;
++	if (country) {
++		region = find_region(country);
++		if (!region) {
++			ERR("unknown region code \"%s\"", country);
+ 			return -1;
+ 		}
+-		hw_id = strtoul(opt_hw_id, NULL, 0);
+-		if (opt_hw_rev)
+-			hw_rev = strtoul(opt_hw_rev, NULL, 0);
+-		else
+-			hw_rev = 1;
+ 	}
+ 	layout = find_layout(layout_id);
+@@ -681,10 +394,10 @@ static int check_options(void)
+ 	kernel_len = kernel_info.file_size;
+ 	if (combined) {
+-		if (kernel_info.file_size >
+-		    fw_max_len - sizeof(struct fw_header)) {
++		exceed_bytes = kernel_info.file_size - (fw_max_len - sizeof(struct fw_header));
++		if (exceed_bytes > 0) {
+ 			if (!ignore_size) {
+-				ERR("kernel image is too big");
++				ERR("kernel image is too big by %i bytes", exceed_bytes);
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 			layout->fw_max_len = sizeof(struct fw_header) +
+@@ -708,21 +421,21 @@ static int check_options(void)
+ 			DBG("kernel length aligned to %u", kernel_len);
+-			if (kernel_len + rootfs_info.file_size >
+-			    fw_max_len - sizeof(struct fw_header)) {
+-				ERR("images are too big");
++			exceed_bytes = kernel_len + rootfs_info.file_size - (fw_max_len - sizeof(struct fw_header));
++			if (exceed_bytes > 0) {
++				ERR("images are too big by %i bytes", exceed_bytes);
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 		} else {
+-			if (kernel_info.file_size >
+-			    rootfs_ofs - sizeof(struct fw_header)) {
+-				ERR("kernel image is too big");
++			exceed_bytes = kernel_info.file_size - (rootfs_ofs - sizeof(struct fw_header));
++			if (exceed_bytes > 0) {
++				ERR("kernel image is too big by %i bytes", exceed_bytes);
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+-			if (rootfs_info.file_size >
+-			    (fw_max_len - rootfs_ofs)) {
+-				ERR("rootfs image is too big");
++			exceed_bytes = rootfs_info.file_size - (fw_max_len - rootfs_ofs);
++			if (exceed_bytes > 0) {
++				ERR("rootfs image is too big by %i bytes", exceed_bytes);
+ 				return -1;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+@@ -739,6 +452,15 @@ static int check_options(void)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
++	if (opt_hdr_ver == 1) {
++		hdr_ver = HEADER_VERSION_V1;
++	} else if (opt_hdr_ver == 2) {
++		hdr_ver = HEADER_VERSION_V2;
++	} else {
++		ERR("invalid header version '%u'", opt_hdr_ver);
++		return -1;
++	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -748,7 +470,7 @@ static void fill_header(char *buf, int len)
+ 	memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(struct fw_header));
+-	hdr->version = htonl(HEADER_VERSION_V1);
++	hdr->version = htonl(hdr_ver);
+ 	strncpy(hdr->vendor_name, vendor, sizeof(hdr->vendor_name));
+ 	strncpy(hdr->fw_version, version, sizeof(hdr->fw_version));
+ 	hdr->hw_id = htonl(hw_id);
+@@ -773,6 +495,18 @@ static void fill_header(char *buf, int len)
+ 	hdr->ver_mid = htons(fw_ver_mid);
+ 	hdr->ver_lo = htons(fw_ver_lo);
++	if (region) {
++		hdr->region_code = htonl(region->code);
++		snprintf(
++			hdr->region_str1, sizeof(hdr->region_str1), "00000000;%02X%02X%02X%02X;",
++			region->name[0], region->name[1], region->name[2], region->name[3]
++		);
++		snprintf(
++			hdr->region_str2, sizeof(hdr->region_str2), "%02X%02X%02X%02X",
++			region->name[0], region->name[1], region->name[2], region->name[3]
++		);
++	}
+ 	get_md5(buf, len, hdr->md5sum1);
+ }
+@@ -810,7 +544,7 @@ static int pad_jffs2(char *buf, int currlen)
+ 	return len;
+ }
+-static int write_fw(char *data, int len)
++static int write_fw(const char *data, int len)
+ {
+ 	FILE *f;
+ 	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+@@ -902,61 +636,22 @@ static int build_fw(void)
+ }
+ /* Helper functions to inspect_fw() representing different output formats */
+-static inline void inspect_fw_pstr(char *label, char *str)
++static inline void inspect_fw_pstr(const char *label, const char *str)
+ {
+ 	printf("%-23s: %s\n", label, str);
+ }
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phex(char *label, uint32_t val)
++static inline void inspect_fw_phex(const char *label, uint32_t val)
+ {
+ 	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x\n", label, val);
+ }
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phexpost(char *label,
+-                                       uint32_t val, char *post)
+-	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x (%s)\n", label, val, post);
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phexdef(char *label,
+-                                      uint32_t val, uint32_t defval)
+-	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x                  ", label, val);
+-	if (val == defval)
+-		printf("(== OpenWrt default)\n");
+-	else
+-		printf("(OpenWrt default: 0x%08x)\n", defval);
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phexexp(char *label,
+-                                      uint32_t val, uint32_t expval)
+-	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x ", label, val);
+-	if (val == expval)
+-		printf("(ok)\n");
+-	else
+-		printf("(expected: 0x%08x)\n", expval);
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phexdec(char *label, uint32_t val)
++static inline void inspect_fw_phexdec(const char *label, uint32_t val)
+ {
+ 	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x / %8u bytes\n", label, val, val);
+ }
+-static inline void inspect_fw_phexdecdef(char *label,
+-                                         uint32_t val, uint32_t defval)
+-	printf("%-23s: 0x%08x / %8u bytes ", label, val, val);
+-	if (val == defval)
+-		printf("(== OpenWrt default)\n");
+-	else
+-		printf("(OpenWrt default: 0x%08x)\n", defval);
+-static inline void inspect_fw_pmd5sum(char *label, uint8_t *val, char *text)
++static inline void inspect_fw_pmd5sum(const char *label, const uint8_t *val, const char *text)
+ {
+ 	int i;
+@@ -971,7 +666,6 @@ static int inspect_fw(void)
+ 	char *buf;
+ 	struct fw_header *hdr;
+ 	uint8_t md5sum[MD5SUM_LEN];
+-	struct board_info *board;
+ 	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ 	buf = malloc(inspect_info.file_size);
+@@ -988,16 +682,14 @@ static int inspect_fw(void)
+ 	inspect_fw_pstr("File name", inspect_info.file_name);
+ 	inspect_fw_phexdec("File size", inspect_info.file_size);
+-	if (ntohl(hdr->version) != HEADER_VERSION_V1) {
+-		ERR("file does not seem to have V1 header!\n");
++	if ((ntohl(hdr->version) != HEADER_VERSION_V1) &&
++	    (ntohl(hdr->version) != HEADER_VERSION_V2)) {
++		ERR("file does not seem to have V1/V2 header!\n");
+ 		goto out_free_buf;
+ 	}
+ 	inspect_fw_phexdec("Version 1 Header size", sizeof(struct fw_header));
+-	if (ntohl(hdr->unk1) != 0)
+-		inspect_fw_phexdec("Unknown value 1", hdr->unk1);
+ 	memcpy(md5sum, hdr->md5sum1, sizeof(md5sum));
+ 	if (ntohl(hdr->boot_len) == 0)
+ 		memcpy(hdr->md5sum1, md5salt_normal, sizeof(md5sum));
+@@ -1022,19 +714,9 @@ static int inspect_fw(void)
+ 	inspect_fw_pstr("Vendor name", hdr->vendor_name);
+ 	inspect_fw_pstr("Firmware version", hdr->fw_version);
+-	board = find_board_by_hwid(ntohl(hdr->hw_id));
+-	if (board) {
+-		layout = find_layout(board->layout_id);
+-		inspect_fw_phexpost("Hardware ID",
+-		                    ntohl(hdr->hw_id), board->id);
+-		inspect_fw_phexexp("Hardware Revision",
+-		                   ntohl(hdr->hw_rev), board->hw_rev);
+-	} else {
+-		inspect_fw_phexpost("Hardware ID",
+-		                    ntohl(hdr->hw_id), "unknown");
+-		inspect_fw_phex("Hardware Revision",
+-		                ntohl(hdr->hw_rev));
+-	}
++	inspect_fw_phex("Hardware ID", ntohl(hdr->hw_id));
++	inspect_fw_phex("Hardware Revision", ntohl(hdr->hw_rev));
++	inspect_fw_phex("Region code", ntohl(hdr->region_code));
+ 	printf("\n");
+@@ -1042,24 +724,12 @@ static int inspect_fw(void)
+ 	                   ntohl(hdr->kernel_ofs));
+ 	inspect_fw_phexdec("Kernel data length",
+ 	                   ntohl(hdr->kernel_len));
+-	if (board) {
+-		inspect_fw_phexdef("Kernel load address",
+-		                   ntohl(hdr->kernel_la),
+-		                   layout ? layout->kernel_la : 0xffffffff);
+-		inspect_fw_phexdef("Kernel entry point",
+-		                   ntohl(hdr->kernel_ep),
+-		                   layout ? layout->kernel_ep : 0xffffffff);
+-		inspect_fw_phexdecdef("Rootfs data offset",
+-		                      ntohl(hdr->rootfs_ofs),
+-		                      layout ? layout->rootfs_ofs : 0xffffffff);
+-	} else {
+-		inspect_fw_phex("Kernel load address",
+-		                ntohl(hdr->kernel_la));
+-		inspect_fw_phex("Kernel entry point",
+-		                ntohl(hdr->kernel_ep));
+-		inspect_fw_phexdec("Rootfs data offset",
+-		                   ntohl(hdr->rootfs_ofs));
+-	}
++	inspect_fw_phex("Kernel load address",
++	                ntohl(hdr->kernel_la));
++	inspect_fw_phex("Kernel entry point",
++	                ntohl(hdr->kernel_ep));
++	inspect_fw_phexdec("Rootfs data offset",
++	                   ntohl(hdr->rootfs_ofs));
+ 	inspect_fw_phexdec("Rootfs data length",
+ 	                   ntohl(hdr->rootfs_len));
+ 	inspect_fw_phexdec("Boot loader data offset",
+@@ -1115,16 +785,13 @@ static int inspect_fw(void)
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ 	int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
+-	int err;
+-	FILE *outfile;
+ 	progname = basename(argv[0]);
+ 	while ( 1 ) {
+ 		int c;
+-		c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:B:H:E:F:L:V:N:W:ci:k:r:R:o:xX:hsSjv:");
++		c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:H:E:F:L:m:V:N:W:C:ci:k:r:R:o:xX:hsSjv:");
+ 		if (c == -1)
+ 			break;
+@@ -1132,9 +799,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 		case 'a':
+ 			sscanf(optarg, "0x%x", &rootfs_align);
+ 			break;
+-		case 'B':
+-			board_id = optarg;
+-			break;
+ 		case 'H':
+ 			opt_hw_id = optarg;
+ 			break;
+@@ -1147,9 +811,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 		case 'W':
+ 			opt_hw_rev = optarg;
+ 			break;
++		case 'C':
++			country = optarg;
++			break;
+ 		case 'L':
+ 			sscanf(optarg, "0x%x", &kernel_la);
+ 			break;
++		case 'm':
++			sscanf(optarg, "%u", &opt_hdr_ver);
++			break;
+ 		case 'V':
+ 			version = optarg;
+ 			break;
diff --git a/patches/openwrt/0122-ar71xx-backport-support-for-new-TP-Link-region-codes.patch b/patches/openwrt/0122-ar71xx-backport-support-for-new-TP-Link-region-codes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c1c80da87d2bf57244f2a2d2349176a03354b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/openwrt/0122-ar71xx-backport-support-for-new-TP-Link-region-codes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>
+Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2016 20:38:58 +0200
+Subject: ar71xx: backport support for new TP-Link region codes
+Generate flashable images for the Archer C7 v2 with current stock firmware
+diff --git a/target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile b/target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile
+index dfc0d71..cbd8a49 100644
+--- a/target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile
++++ b/target/linux/ar71xx/image/Makefile
+@@ -58,13 +58,14 @@ define Build/mktplinkfw
+ 		-o $@.new \
+ 		-j -X 0x40000 \
+ 		-a $(call rootfs_align,$(FILESYSTEM)) \
+-		$(if $(findstring sysupgrade,$1),-s) && mv $@.new $@ || rm -f $@
++		$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)) \
++		$(if $(findstring sysupgrade,$(word 1,$(1))),-s) && mv $@.new $@ || rm -f $@
+ endef
+ # -c combined image
+ define Build/mktplinkfw-initramfs
+ 	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mktplinkfw \
+ 		-k $@ \
+ 		-o $@.new \
+ 		-s -S \
+@@ -300,6 +301,9 @@ define Device/archer-c7-v2
+     TPLINK_HWID := 0xc7000002
++    IMAGES := sysupgrade.bin factory.bin factory-us.bin factory-eu.bin
++    IMAGE/factory-us.bin := append-rootfs | mktplinkfw factory -C US
++    IMAGE/factory-eu.bin := append-rootfs | mktplinkfw factory -C EU
+ endef
+ TARGET_DEVICES += archer-c5 archer-c7-v1 archer-c7-v2
diff --git a/targets/ar71xx-generic/profiles.mk b/targets/ar71xx-generic/profiles.mk
index c42fcb74b821f71a8e9e9fefc1b7dc27c99cec55..91b00858aafe40188050799a6b4345fc912c7d71 100644
--- a/targets/ar71xx-generic/profiles.mk
+++ b/targets/ar71xx-generic/profiles.mk
@@ -159,9 +159,13 @@ $(eval $(call GluonProfile,TLWR2543))
 $(eval $(call GluonModel,TLWR2543,tl-wr2543-v1,tp-link-tl-wr2543n-nd-v1))
 ifneq ($(BROKEN),)
-# Archer C5 v1, C7 v2
+# Archer C5 v1
+$(eval $(call GluonProfile,ARCHERC5,kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct,ARCHERC7))
+$(eval $(call GluonModel,ARCHERC5,archer-c5,tp-link-archer-c5-v1)) # BROKEN: ath10k
+# Archer C7 v2
 $(eval $(call GluonProfile,ARCHERC7,kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct))
-$(eval $(call GluonModel,ARCHERC7,archer-c5,tp-link-archer-c5-v1)) # BROKEN: ath10k
+$(eval $(call GluonProfileFactorySuffix,ARCHERC7,-squashfs-factory$(if $(GLUON_REGION),-$(GLUON_REGION)),.bin))
 $(eval $(call GluonModel,ARCHERC7,archer-c7-v2,tp-link-archer-c7-v2)) # BROKEN: ath10k