diff --git a/package/gluon-web/i18n/de.po b/package/gluon-web/i18n/de.po
index 9481f60f6bceb8dd5ff3d8516cda4cc215ff3a10..4f033308e909b6e823474c7864cdfc5e8ac0657d 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/i18n/de.po
+++ b/package/gluon-web/i18n/de.po
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgid "Not Found"
 msgstr "Nicht Gefunden"
 msgid "Sorry, the object you requested was not found."
-msgstr "Entschuldigung, das anfgeforderte Objekt wurde nicht gefunden."
+msgstr "Entschuldigung, das angeforderte Objekt wurde nicht gefunden."
 msgid "Sorry, the server encountered an unexpected error."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
index b0a2ad1e8d1fd5faf71af9f76c771fc10cd5c7c0..4e8df203ed8cfa9b428eba9a1c17da169640594c 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ end
 -- Content-Type. Stores all extracted data associated with its parameter name
 -- in the params table withing the given message object. Multiple parameter
 -- values are stored as tables, ordinary ones as strings.
--- If an optional file callback function is given then it is feeded with the
+-- If an optional file callback function is given then it is fed with the
 -- file contents chunk by chunk and only the extracted file name is stored
 -- within the params table. The callback function will be called subsequently
 -- with three arguments:
 --  o Table containing decoded (name, file) and raw (headers) mime header data
 --  o String value containing a chunk of the file data
---  o Boolean which indicates wheather the current chunk is the last one (eof)
+--  o Boolean which indicates whether the current chunk is the last one (eof)
 function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
 	if msg and msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE then
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/template.lua b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/template.lua
index 84a9b5c1b2966ffe9b8dd8ed30d93eba8eb2428d..181400334aee3fcc9e9753b5c28202c7acff27f7 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/template.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/template.lua
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ return function(config, env)
 		-- Now finally render the thing
 		local stat, err = pcall(template)
 		assert(stat, "Failed to execute template '" .. name .. "'.\n" ..
-			      "A runtime error occured: " .. tostring(err or "(nil)"))
+			      "A runtime error occurred: " .. tostring(err or "(nil)"))
 	--- Render a certain template.
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c b/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
index f8ea276f55a605e551dd6406a4f954e3eedb242d..c07eab521653c4a4fe8c3e9c2d0318271181c2c0 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
+++ b/package/gluon-web/src/template_utils.c
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ static size_t validate_utf8(const unsigned char **s, size_t l, struct template_b
-		/* advance beyound the last found valid continuation char */
+		/* advance beyond the last found valid continuation char */
 		o = v;
 		ptr += v;