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ttmm: 22.08. bis 26.08.2023 in Gifhorn


This year the HOA will take place from Tuesday to Saturday (22. - 26.08.2023). Tickets are now on sale at ` <>`__!

The Hacken Open Air is finest hacker camping, hosted by `Stratum 0 <>`__. Together with you we want to tinker, discuss and be creative in nature.

We are looking forward to you!


The camping site has fixed indoor showers and toilets, in addition we build up open air showers. We offer `electricity <>`__, DECT, Wi-Fi and Fiber-to-the-Tent, so that you and your tents are perfectly equipped for hacking and chilling. For RV/Camper friends, there are a limited number of `additional tickets <>`__ for spots on the site. For recreation there wi be a pool with a sauna, as well as a directly adjacent campfire. There you can end the evening with drinks at the bar.


As every year, there will be many opportunities for self-organized talks and workshops. Feel free to sign up in the `wiki <>`__. We welcome submissions from a wide range of topics from technology, culture and society. In addition to the Hackcenter, there will be at least one yurt as a workshop and lecture venue. We also welcome art and decorative installations. If you need space or other resources for this, please feel free to write to ` <>`__.


Before, during and after the event there will also be a lot to do. As a community event we are looking forward to your help. We organize the helping shifts in the `Elfensystem <>`__. There is a lot to do: Set-up, breakfast, dishwashing, cleaning, bar, kitchen, info desk, shuttle service, tear-down, ... Please bring lanyards for the name tags.


There will be a daily breakfast buffet and `dinner <>`__ (vegan and non-vegan) included in the ticket price. We will fire up the fryers between meals.


This year's location is the Pfadfinderheim Welfenhof in Gifhorn, very close to Braunschweig...:

Pfadfinderheim Welfenhof
III Koppelweg 6
38518 Gifhorn

For a quiet atmosphere on the site and a relaxed journey by public transport, we offer a small shuttle service from Gifhorn train station and parking within walking distance. You can reach us by bike or by car via II. Koppelweg and Bahnbruchsweg. Please do not drive from the II. Koppelweg to the III. Koppelweg. The Wiki lists a few `interesting places <>`__ in the area.

.. image:: faehnchen.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Flagpole with many colorful flags.

.. image:: leuchtebunt.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Many colorful light with tents at night.

.. image:: pool.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Swimming pool with unicorn, cargo bike and camp fire with colorful light at night (@shoragan CC-BY-SA).