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ttmm: 22.08. bis 26.08.2023 in Gifhorn


This year the HOA will take place again from Tuesday to Saturday (22. - 26.08.2023).
Tickets are available in advance now at ` <>`__!

The Hacken Open Air is finest hacker camping, hosted by `Stratum 0 <>`__.
Together with you we want to tinker, discuss and be creative in nature.

We are looking forward to you!


The campsite has fixed indoor showers and toilets, and we build open-air showers.
In addition, we offer area-wide `electricity <>`__, DECT, Wi-Fi and fiber-to-the-tent, so you and your tents are perfectly equipped for hacking and chilling. For RV enthusiasts, there are a limited number of `additional sites for rent <>`__ on the site.
For recreation there will again a pool with a sauna, as well as a directly adjacent campfire.
There you can end the evening with drinks at the bar.

.. image:: hoa-map.png
   :width: 600px
   :title: Map of the HOA. Three camping areas to the west, south and east. To the north, a permanent building with showers and restrooms. Directly south of that a kitchen tent and the bar. From there to the east campfire, pool, sauna and outdoor showers. In the center another kitchen tent, the hack center with info desk, the lecture yurt and the market place. To the north is the driveway, to the south-west is the forest and to the south-east is the canal. The site is roughly rectangular, with the shorter sides facing north and south.


As every year, there will be many opportunities for self-organized talks and workshops.
If you would like to host a workshop or give a talk, feel free to enter it on the `talks page <>`__.
We welcome submissions from a wide range of topics from technology, culture and society.
As a workshop and lecture venue, there will again be at least one yurt and workshop tent in addition to the Hackcenter.
We also welcome art and decorative installations.
Anyone who needs space or other resources for this is welcome to write to ` <>`__.
The Call-for-Participation / Workshops / Talks continues now and during the event.


There is also a lot to do before, during and after the event.

As a community event, we welcome your help.
We organize the helping shifts in the `elf system <>`__.

There is a lot to do: Set-up, breakfast, dishwashing, cleaning, bar, kitchen, info desk, shuttle service, tear-down, ...
So if you like, you can click shifts before the event. In particular, we would like to point out that shifts are also available during set-up and take-down.
More about this below.

Phone number registration has started and numbers can be registered as usual by choice, first-come first-served, via `Eventphone <>`__.

Please make sure to register for the correct event.

The Orga meetings will take place daily at 16:00.
For set-up and tear-down, on-site communication will be via radio on channel PMR 14, so feel free to bring a radio.

Please bring lanyards for name tags.


There is a breakfast buffet every day between 09.00 and 12.00.

As dinner there are:

* Tuesday 22.08.: Indian Butter Chicken (vegan / with meat)
* Wednesday 23.08.: Soljanka (vegan / with meat)
* Thursday 24.08.: Burger (vegan / with meat)
* Friday 25.08.: Wiener Wirtshausgulasch (with meat) / vegan goulash

Information about allergens is available in the `Wiki <>`__ - or directly in the kitchen.
Breakfast and dinner during the event are included in the ticket price. (During set-up and take-down, meals are pay-as-you-go).
In between, we'll throw on the waffle iron, donut machine and deep fryer.

There will also be set-up and tear-down meals, but this will be pay-as-you-go with cash.
We have cutlery, dishes and cups that we wash ourselves, so there is no need to bring any of that.
Rumor has it there will also be waffles and fresh donuts.


A few `Villages <>`__ have already been found. More about it in the Wiki.
Per person there are about 12 m² available on the campground.
On average there are about 100 W of electricity per person available.make sure that cables do not cross the paths!You can use the forest south of the site up to the canal for camping and chilling.
Campers should be parked further forward at the entrance, where the ground is firm and not so great for tents.
We may come back to campers for this reason unless otherwise discussed.
For electricity we plan with a maximum of 100 W per person on the camping area. If you have larger consumers with you, please let us know.
Cables must not cross the paths

The wiki also has a perhaps useful list of `points-of-interest <>`__ in the area and the `search-offer <>`__ page.

Arrival and departure

This year's location is again the Pfadfinderheim Welfenhof in Gifhorn, very close to Braunschweig.::

    Pfadfinderheim Welfenhof
    III. Koppelweg 6
    38518 Gifhorn

For arrival and departure there will also be a station shuttle again, which you can reach by calling the `shuttle number <tel:+491623927117>`__.
If possible, register there early by SMS or phone call, so that we can schedule the ride.
There will be no parking spaces directly on the site for cars without a camper ticket.
It is not quite sure yet if we can organize parking spaces within walking distance for cars.
More about this in the near future.

If you intend to arrive before the event for set-up, or stay for tear-down, we ask that you enter this appropriately in Pretix using your ticket edit link as the arrival and departure dates.
We need this information for the meal planning.

There are a few `interesting places <>`__ in the area listed in the wiki.

Packing List

From experience, it will be cold and damp at night, but very warm and sunny during the day.
So pack warm, weatherproof clothes as well as clothes that protects you from the sun.

There will also be a pool and sauna, so bringing swimwear can't hurt.

There will be badges, so for sustainability purposes we would ask all participants to bring at least one lanyard if you already have one.

The fry crew and bar will take cash, so don't forget your saved up spare change *wink*.

Day tickets

For all days (Tuesday to Friday) there are day tickets available at the box office. This entitles you to visit the HOA from 09:00 until night.
One dinner is included.
The ticket does not entitle to overnight stay.

Bathing rules

First of all: campfire, pool and sauna are included in the ticket price and are there for all visitors.
In order for everyone to find a time when they can enjoy themselves, follow these rules:
Bathing should always be done in swimwear until 11:00 pm.
After that, textile-free bathing (and staying around the pool) is also possible.
The sauna can always be used textile-free.

Behavior during storms

Thunderstorms, lightning and strong winds are especially dangerous on a camp.
In case of thunderstorms, take precautionary measures and go into a car, camper or the permanent building!
If a particularly strong thunderstorm is expected, we will warn you again.

Important numbers

* Medical - CERT: DECT 9001 (Socrates)
* Elves, infrastructure, general questions: DECT 4636 (INFO)
* Other questions and emergencies: DECT 6742 (ORGA)

No phone? Come to the infodesk and use the phone there!


If you don't have your `flyer </2023-infoflyer-v0.3.0-web.pdf>`__, here is the download.


Currently, the Ortstangente coming from the north is closed from II Koppelweg. The `redirections <>`__ are signposted.

The approach is possible by bike or car via Bahnbruchsweg and II. Koppelweg.
The III Koppelweg is also passable on foot, but not paved.
Please keep in mind that very probably the Ortstangente coming from the north will be closed from the II Koppelweg.
The town has signage and bypass roads on a `map <>`_.
The map below shows two paths, with the `southern path </feet.gpx>`_ from the train station along the Allerseitenkanal south of Wolfsburger Straße, through the new development area near Calberlaher Damm and over the II. Koppelweg, and the `northern path </wheels.gpx>`__ from the station over the Braunschweiger Straße, over the Wolfsburger Straße, over Calberlaher Damm, over the II Koppelweg and the III Koppelweg leads.

.. image:: path.png
   :width: 600px
   :title: Map with path from train station.

.. image:: faehnchen.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Flagpole with many colorful flags.

.. image:: leuchtebunt.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Many colorful light with tents at night.

.. image:: pool.jpeg
   :width: 600px
   :title: Swimming pool with unicorn, cargo bike and camp fire with colorful light at night (@shoragan CC-BY-SA).