<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon_h.png" type="image/png"> <title>Hacken Open Air 2::18</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="hoa.css"> </head> <body> <div id="top"></div> <div class="headers" align="center"> <h1>Hacken Open Air 2::18</h1> </div> <div class="nav-container" align="center"> <ul class="nav"> <li><a href="#top">Top</a></li> <li><a href="#info">Info</a></li> <li><a href="#arrival">Arrival</a></li> <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="https://tickets.hackenopenair.de">Presale</li> <li><a href="/index.html"><img src="de.png"></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="main"> <div align="center"> <h3>02.08. - 05.08. 2018 in Rötgesbüttel</h3> <img id="specht" src="specht.svg"> </div> <div id="info"> <h2>Info</h2> The Hacken Open Air is hacker camping at its finest. It is organized by the hackerspace <a href="https://stratum0.org">Stratum 0</a>. The location for our cozy get-together will be <a href="http://glockenheide.de" >Campsite Glockenheide</a> in Rötgesbüttel. Just 20 km north of Brunswick.<br> The Hacken Open Air is all about joint crafting, discussion and barbecue. We deliberately forgo a lecture program. Instead, we leave you free space for self-organized lectures and workshops. <div id="recent" > <h3>Last Minute Infos</h3> <p class="plock" >Live from the kitchen: current dinner plan: <ul> <li>Thursday: Mashed Potatoes with Sausage or vegan Rissole and Sauce</li> <li>Friday: Spätzle with Lentils and Bacon or vegan Spätzle with Lentils and Tofu</li> <li>Saturday: Tortellini with Gorgonzola Sauce or vegan Tomato Sauce</li> <li>All the time: Fries, Nuggets and other Snacks</li> </ul> </p> <p class="plock" >Wildfire risks in Lower Sachsony are still high. [<a href="http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Der-Norden/Warnung-Waldbrandgefahr-in-Niedersachsen-steigt-weiter-an" >HAZ</a>, <a href="https://www.wettergefahren.de/warnungen/indizes/waldbrand.html">BMVI</a>]. Thus we will probably not be able to have a campfire. Please take special care with barbecueing, cooking or smoking.<br> To make our camp shine bright without a fire just bring more LED-spots, EL-Wire and other glowing stuff.</p> <p class="plock" >Showering costs 50 Cent. Thus: start collecting 50 cent-coins for the <a href="http://glockenheide.de/preise.html">shower</a>! </p> <p class="plock" >We will sell day tickets for hackers and youth hackers on site. Prices follow.</p> <p class="plock" >FTTT: We will use Multimode-Fiber at 850nm. Connectors will be SC and LC. If you want you can bring your own switch or media converter.</p> <p class="plock" >Our last visit on site tells us: Bring your electric insect killers.</p> <p class="plock" >Arrival and departure: Arrival for visitors starts on Thursday morning. Departure will be until Sunday afternoon.<br /> If you want to help us you can arrive earlier and leave later. </p> </div> <div id="infrastructure"> <h3>Infrastructure</h3> <h4>Electricity</h4> The campsite provides us with a basic electricity supply: notebooks, gadgets and colorful lights can be operated and charged. However, you should plan to bring a few meters of cable to connect your tents.<br> Additionally you shoud bring a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_60309">CEE blue</a> adapter if you have one.<br> This year we will be charged per kWh from the operator of the campsite. Should you plan to bring your electrically powered pizza ovens, water heaters, whirlpools or similar appliances please contact us beforehand. <h4>Communication</h4> On the campsite LAN and WiFi are available. We hope that we can connect our network to the Internet with sufficient bandwidth. <h4>FTTT - Fiber to the tent</h4> Besides classical copper-based network Fiber to the Tent will be available this year. By this free added-value service we will provide you with the usual performance of the HOA network - but with the good feeling to have finally arrived in the Cyber^WFiberspace.<br> To be put on the waiting list for one of the contested ports write an email to <a href="mailto:fttt@hackenopenair.de" > fttt@hackenopenair.de</a>. <h4>PMR</h4> There will be no DECT service this year. For organisation we will use Personal Mobile Radio (PMR446). We will have ready a few spares. If you have one by yourself: bring it. </div> <div id="food"> <h3>Food</h3> The public breakfast last year was a success. Thus for this year a breakfast flatrate is included in your ticket. We will provide you with a extensive breakfast every morning.<br> But for the rest of the day there will be no central catering. Please plan to be self-sufficient<br> Anyone who likes to prepare food for or with others is welcome: Food hacking, cooking events and workshops are encouraged.<br> A bar with caffeinated and noncaffeinated alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks will be (at least) on the hacking-plaza. Of course, we will offer Tschunk as well.<br> </div> <div id="fees"> <h3>Fees</h3> The admittance fee for this years Hacken Open Air is 80 EUR per person. This fee includes: <dl> <dt>Camping</dt> <dd>We hope to have enough space for everybody to place your vehicle next to your tent. Caravans and campers are welcome too. If you plan to move your vehicle during the duration of the Hacken Open Air we ask you to park your car outside.</dd> <dt>Breakfast</dt> <dd>We will serve, simliar to the Easterhegg, an extensive breakfast.</dd> <dt>Camping-Swag</dt> <dd>Incuded is a piece of camping-swag: plate, cup or cutlery? We have not decided yet.</dd> <dt>Infrastructure</dt> <dd>The campsite is equipped with toiletts and showers that we are allowed to use. Also: WiFi and electricity are included.</dd> </dl> </div> <div id="misc" > <h3>Miscellaneous</h3> <h4>Talks and Workshops</h4> We will provide you with an area for talks and workshops. There will be some seats and a projector on site. Be aware that the projector will most likely not be useful before sunset since the room will not be darkened.<br> If you want to give a talk or carry out a workshop you can add it to our <a href="https://pad.stratum0.org/p/hoa2018_workshops"> Organisation-Pad</a>. <h4>Dogs</h4> To make the Hacker Camping pleasant for as many hackers as possible we do not allow dogs on the campsite. Guide dogs and other assistance dogs are allowed. </div> </div> <div id="arrival"> <h2>Arrival</h2> <iframe scrolling="no" src="https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=10.000305175781252%2C52.210972768075365%2C11.01860046386719%2C52.60263050886585&layer=mapnik&marker=52.40723631132728%2C10.509452819824219" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe> <br> <small><a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.40723&mlon=10.50945#map=13/52.40723/10.50945">on OpenStreetMap</a></small><br> <p> The Hacken Open Air takes place at the <a href="http://glockenheide.de">Campsite Glockenheide</a> in Rötgesbüttel . Just 20 km North of Brunswick. At the campsite, more than 6000 m² of space is available. <br> The address for your navigation devices:<br> <br> Glockenheide 1<br> 38531 Rötgesbüttel<br> <br> The following travel options are available: <dl> <dt>Car</dt> <dd> Take the A2 to the interchange Braunschweig Nord. Follow signs for A391 / B4 to Gifhorn and Lüneburg. In Rötgesbüttel at the first traffic light turn left. Behind the railway crossing head left again. You will find sings for Campingplatz Glockenheide about 50 m into the woods. </dd> <dt>Train</dt> <dd> Next station is Rötgesbüttel. From there it is about 2 km by foot. </dd> <dt>Plane</dt> <dd> The next major airport is Hannover (HAJ), from there take the train to Rötgesbüttel. </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="contact"> <h2>Contact</h2> Email: <a href="mailto:kontakt@hackenopenair.de">kontakt@hackenopenair.de</a><br> IRC: #hackenopenair @ irc.freenode.net<br> <a href="/impressum.html">Imprint</a> </div> <h2 id="footnote">An Event by <a href="https://stratum0.org">Stratum 0</a></h2> </div> </body> </html>