{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<div id="top"></div>
<div class="headers" align="center">
    <h1>Hacken Open Air 2::18</h1>
<div class="nav-container" align="center">
    <ul class="nav">
        {% if content.group is defined %}
            {% if content.group in content.path %}
                {% with subpages=context.contents.filter(group=content.group).exclude(path=content.path).order_by("order") %}
                    {% for sp in subpages %}
                        <li><a href="#subpage_{{sp.menu}}">{{sp.menu}}</a></li>
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endwith %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        <li><a href="https://tickets.hackenopenair.de">Presale</a></li>
        {% if content.group == "en" %}
            <li><a href="/index.html"><img src="/static/img/de.png"></a></li>
        {% else %}
            <li><a href="/en.html"><img src="/static/img/gb.png"></a></li>
        {% endif %}
<div class="main">
    <div align="center">
        <h3>02.08. - 05.08. 2018 in Rötgesbüttel</h3>
        <img id="specht" src="/static/img/specht.svg">

    {{ content.content_body }}

    {% if content.group is defined %}
        {% if content.group in content.path %}
            {% with subpages=context.contents.filter(group=content.group).exclude(path=content.path).order_by("order") %}
                {% for sp in subpages %}
                    <div id="subpage_{{sp.menu}}">
                {% endfor %}
            {% endwith %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if content.group == "en" %}
        <div id="kontakt">
            Email: <a href="mailto:kontakt@hackenopenair.de">
            IRC: #hackenopenair @ irc.freenode.net<br>
            <a href="/impressum.html">Imprint</a>
        <h2 id="footnote">An Event by <a href="https://stratum0.org">Stratum 0</a></h2>
    {% else %}
        <div id="kontakt">
            Email: <a href="mailto:kontakt@hackenopenair.de">
            IRC: #hackenopenair @ irc.freenode.net<br>
            <a href="/impressum.html">Impressum</a>
        <h2 id="footnote">Eine Veranstaltung des <a href="https://stratum0.org">Stratum&nbsp;0</a></h2>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}